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Regulators (BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) (They are designed…
BBFC (British Board of Film Classification)
They are designed to protect young people from viewing media products that are unsuitable for them.
They Provide films with a suitable age rating depending on the amount of violence, bad language, sexual content, adult. themes etc.
They operate in Britain only.
They have to put the age rating on the front of the cover / have to make it clear what the age rating is. They do this by putting it in a circle or a triangle
ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)
They work across different media platforms in order to regulate all different kinds of advertising. this ranges from magazine advertising to online advertising, and even television shopping channels
Consumers complain to the asa if they think the adverts break the codes.
Some codes they must include/follow: "ensuring that all pricing is communicating clearly to consumers."
"Making sure that the benefits of products are not falsely advertised.
PCC (Press Complaints Commission)
They handle complaints about the content in newspapers and magazines. It is responsible for maintaining high standards of journalism within the print media industry.
Journalists are required to follow the editors code of practice to ensure that a high enough standard of journalism is practised.
The main riles : "All photographs need to be accurate and must not mislead the public ." " Respecting the privacy and Homelife of individuals and not harassing them."
PEGI (Pan European Game Information)
They're a European wide regular designed to protect young people against harmful content in video games.
Similar to the BBFC They put age ratings on the games so it can advice parents about whether the games are suitable for their children
They also , as well as the age rating , put images on the back of the cases, these represent the things the games have.
OFCOM ( Office of Communications)
They operate in the UK and are responsible for regulating the televison and radio sectors of the media industry
They ensure that the people who watch/listen are protected from harmful content. They can do this by "watershed" this means they can't show certain things before a right time ( when younger people are watching) This time is 9pm
They have a broadcasting code , these include : "News programmes should be broadcasted with minimal bias to one point."
"People of all religious beliefs are treated fairly in programming"