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E102 Week 16 Education & the impact of schooling (Elementary Education…
E102 Week 16 Education & the impact of schooling
chapter 7
V. Cooper
what taught = curriculum
how taught=pedagogy
JJR = environment important
preserve the child's natural goodness
JJR(p.148) advocate of HOW
access to education not same worldwide nor completion rates
(Ames, 2012 p.153)
indigenous children excluded until mid 20C
some still not
Morrow, 2015 p.154-
access increased tremendously
12 years of schooling
yet high proportion still not (Kingdom, 2005 cited p.154)
bias against girls & certain castes (Morrow, 2013 p.154)
HARIKA 's story
1st girl in family educated to 10th grade
parents disapprove
she thinks education means marry educated/richer man
other girls her age (16) married & pregnant!
Galab et all., 2011
15% of 2000 dropped out 07/08
Galab et al.,
should be working to support family
WILKINSON, 2000 P.156
GIRLS could be using time more wisely
ideals change over time (p.147)
schooling primarily to prepare for adulthood- so what you will do is what trained for( some feel that traditionally this could be done within society & the home rather than 'school') p.147
western schooling since 16C encouraged reading the bible and 'civilising' people. (Ansell, 2005 cited in Cooper p.147)
barriers2access - gender, social class
sexes separated as had different skills to hone
Locke encouraged move away from religion, Latin & Greek. Encouraged science, modern languages etc so prepared for ever changing world
Dewey (1859-1952)= children should be encouraged not dictated to as will learn themselves
very influential in 1960 UK= 'child centred learning' & 'progressive education'
similar principles witnessed in...
Progressive ed slammed in 70s by THE NEW RIGHT = blamed for falling standards
Locke (?) cited Cooper p.148 = moulding character, morals and physicality.
Elementary Education Act (EEA) = 1870
cited in Cooper p.148
made schooling compulsory in UK
early days=very strict, corporal punishment, rote, in rows etc
3 Rs
yet relied on donations / only part state funded
Education Act of 1918= fully state funded
Education Act of 1944
11 plus
grammar, technical collage & Secondary Modern
Kellett (2013) cited in Cooper( 2016, p.149)
50s/60s = comprehensive schools
Gillard (2011 cited p.149)= Scandinavia & Japan started post WWII and Europe followed
TODAY = so much debate
and new styles of schools emerging
Fifteen Thousand Hours; Secondary Schools and their Effects on Children
Rutter at al., 1979 cited Cooper p.157)
School can be a consistent place- particularly good for those lacking stability at home
Gilligan 2001 cited p.158
including LACYP -
Aldgate et al., 2006-cited p158
can break cycle -Mongomery (2009) cited p.158
2013, cited p 159
perceived to be a way out of poverty but job opportunities not there so it isn't!
ask why same education yet some do not do well or get opportunities /certain groups p.160
2010 cited p.160
England= all have such different levels of affluence & background
lower classes, poverty & certain minority groups struggle educationally
BOURDIEU 1972 P.160
not about why only some succeed it's about why some do not
many theorists feel formal schooling can help elicit change and social mobility however it just as easily can reinforce social differences whereby history repeats itself (p.161)
you can give children opportunities but many will not take advantage- may be content with their lot, may be nervous or reluctant to aim high. One size or explanation cannot suffice. Everyone different and influences too complex (conclusion p.162)
activity 1§ion=1.1
indian schools
caste system
reserved places for lower castes- unfair. disrcrimates against the girl - 91% not good enough yet a lower caste friend only 70 something!? NO WRONG.
boy stressing as struggling and bullied in hostel
you can try and even things out/ be fair - great idea in theory but not in practice...can tell head disapproves
Activity 2
17C Puritans- original sin- iron out the child!
Locke- blank canvas
18C innocence of childhood- upper & middle classes- poor children worked.
JJR (1762) born pure
1880 compulsory schooling
20C Welfare state imposed middle class ideals on the working class . unrealistic as had to work etc so made them feel inadequate.
(Kellet, Robinson and Burr, 2004, pp. 28–30) cited in§ion=1.2