Business Conduct
Chapter 2: Challenges for Managers
Spring 2019
R. Moore, Ph.D.

Competing in the Global Economy

Social & Political Changes

Cultural Differences

Cultural Differences & Work Related Attitudes

Hofstede's Study

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Power Distance

Uncertainty Avoidance

Masculinity vs. Femininity

Time Orientation


Civil Rights Act - Six Groups Protected by Law Against Discrimination: 1) Age
2) Gender 3) Race 4) Religion 5) Military Service 6) Disabilit

Ethnic Diversity

Gender Diversity

Age Diversity

Ability Diversity

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

Benefits & Problems with Diversity



Promotes Creativity & Innovation

Results in Better Problem Solving

Improves Marketing Efforts

Enhances Organizational Flexibility

Attracts and Retains the Best Talent

Lack of Cohesiveness

Communication Problems

Resistance to Change

Interpersonal Conflicts

Slower Decision Making

Ethics, Character & Personal Integrity

Theories of Ethics

Rule Based Theories - focus on the character of the act, not the effect

Character Theories - focus on the character, personal virtues , and intent of the individual actor

Consequential Theories - consequences of an action determine whether it it right or wrong

Cultural Relativism - local standards guide ethical behavior

Ethical Dilemmas in Organizations

Sexual Harassment


Employee Rights

Organizational Justice

Corporate Social Responsibility

Codes of Ethics

Procedural Justice - fairness process by which outcomes are allocated in an organization

Distributive Justice - fairness of outcomes that individuals receive in an organization