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Good Conduct and Key Moral Principals (Introduction (Good moral conduct …
Good Conduct and Key Moral Principals
Justification by faiths or works
Prioritise faith
Ephesians "You have been saved through faith... not because of works"
Martin Luther (1483 -1546), creator of the 95 thesis, proclaimed the doctrine
sola fide
(faith alone) as the first doctrine.
Protestant Church
believes that God grants sinners salvation through being born again the Holy Spirit.
Prioritise work
Letter from James "faith apart from work is dead."
Parable of the sheep and goats
Matthew 25:31. In this oarable, God makes no mention of faith. Instead, the sheep go into eternal life because of their works.
Prioritise both
James R. Adair
from the Catholic Church calimed "the council was predicated upon both faith and good works".
You cannot have belief in God alone because even daemons have that, instead effort needs to be involved in the grace that first came during Baptism.
Predestination :angel::skin-tone-2::fire:
is the view that all events are determined by God, which means that humans have no fee will.
Views on predestionation
Romans 8:33
"Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies." The fact that God controls all of history and our future could show that life is futile, however none of the denomination of church can agree.
said that everything God created was good so nothing can have original sin. He believed that God gave us all free will and considers predestination as 'moral nonsense'.
believed that it is not through goodness that we can go into heaven, it is by God (he has foreknowledge and he predestines heaven/hell) This is known as
Double Predestination
supports the Augustinian doctrine by proposing that we are all born and are all destined with damnation. However, people may be saved from sin by the infinite love if God.
If we are made in God's image why aren't we predestined to be good? Why would an all good God predestine hell? Why would we need a free will?
If everything is predestined there would not be a concept of free will.
If God knows who will go to heaven and hell, why would he create the people who go to hell.
If God is eternal love, why would an all loving God condemn people to hell? Infinite love does not seem compatible with a life if eternal punishment.
Surely Jesus' sacrifice and our good deeds wont matter if some people are going to go to heaven anyway.
It is better to see God as transcendent (outside if time).
Maybe God knows all but cannot control all. This contradicts belief. He can see our choices but not cause it.
Ice cream analogy.
Sanctity of life
What does the Bible say?
Genesis 2:7 "God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed life into his nostrils.
This shows that we have God within us; life is sacred and holy and belongs to Him.
Strong sanctity of life
:muscle: Life is sacred and belongs to God.
Personhood questions when is a being actually a person. Aquinas said that an embryo is a person from conception.
The Bible supports this idea ;Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the whom I knew you
Jesus developed in the whom normally ("
The word became flesh
") which shows that human life is scared from the moment of conception -you wouldn't abort Jesus. Therefore abortion and embryo research are wrong because it destroys God's child who is in the image of God and it is person from conception.
Weak sanctity of life
:older_man: Allows circumstances with issues on life and death.
Personhood: Peter Singer said that "until it survives interdependently" (even a child!). The UK government allows abortion before 24 weeks.
Issues of rape, if the mothers life is in danger, their will be complications of birth , and the quality of life of the new born will be poor than abortion is allowed.
Intrinsic value:
Many people believe that life has intrinsic value (value within itself). Humans are seen as valuable just as they are.
Sanctity of life
: the belief that life is sacred and it belongs to God.
Key Terms :bookmark_tabs:
Lus ad bellum
: conditions which make it acceptable to go to war.
lus in bello
: rules that need to be followed during a war.
Good moral conduct :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
Good moral conduct is important to Christians because:
:star: It helps Christians go to heaven and avoid punishment (this is a selfish reason).
:star: It follows Jesus' example
:star: doing good glorifies God.
:star: Loving the lord with all your heart means loving one-another -it is a commandment.
Problems with good moral conduct:
:-1::skin-tone-2: Some moral conducts in the Bible are immoral. For example, it condones slavery; 'slaves should be submissive to their masters'.
:-1::skin-tone-2: Some Christians believe that there is no heaven or hell.
:-1::skin-tone-2: People have free will and can reject religion and scripture.
Examples of Moral Conduct:
Divine command theory
states that Christians should behave according to their understanding of God the father, by following
scripture. the Apostles Creed reveals is omnipotent, all good and the creator of everything. This means that his creation must be good, but also that humans are helpless in comparison.
Natural Moral Law
Good conduct is following the primary and secondary precepts to reach eudimonia (ultimate union and happiness with God). These are understood through Divine Law, our intrinsic ability to reason and our secondary precepts.
Situation Ethics
says that good conduct is always doing the most loving thing/ agape (selfless love) through Jesus' example.
Just War Theory :crossed_swords:
What is 'Just War Theory'?
Just War theory was developed by Thomas Aquinas and Augustine due to the conflict on Jesus' command to resits violence (Matthew 5:38-41) and in situations where violence was seen to be necessary (e.g, self defence). The theory considers Natural Moral Law (defence of the innocent) and Sanctity of Life principles.
Ius ad bellum
: Must be a just case.
: The war can only be declared by a legitimate authority.
Right intention
: The war must have the right intention.
Last Resort
: The war must be the last resort.
: the benefits expected must be proportionate to the expected harm caused.
Ius in bello
Principle of discrimination
: Those who are not fighting must not be directly attacked.
Proportionality of means to ends
: the action should not be more severe than necessary.
Lus Ad bellum
: resist attack, defen innocent
Can only be started by a compotent polotical authority.
Start war for a just case, with the intention of peace.
Probability of success sates that unless a war is winable, then it is pointless to fight in it.
principle of proportianlity may seem unworkable since it is impossibleto know the outcome in advance.
Why doe sthe JWT not all weapons of mass destruction?
Nuclear weapons
, **Chemical weapons (ie mustard gas in ww1), Bilogical weapons
is discriminatory as they are likely to kill non combats, proprtianlity and probability of succsess,
JWT cannot be applied to WMD's becuas ethy can never be just and are 'intrinsically evil'.
Dominion and Steqardship
means power over, Psalm 8:3 says that humans have 'little less power than God.'