What do strength and conditioning coaches need to understand in order to maximise off field athletic performance with a specific focus to improving on field performance.
What a coach thinks position specific athleticism looks like
Understand off-field physical testing and how the results can impact/relate to on-field performance
Enable skills coaches to understand the relevance and impact of off field testing to on field performance
Design tests that the coaches can relate to on field position specific performance
Educate coaches on specific test results and the relationship to on field performance
Understand what subjective athleticism looks like in objective measures
Are the tests meaningful/reliable/valid
Educate players on the relationship between off-field physical testing and on-field performance
Individual athlete responses to various training stimulus
How to maximise transfer between off-field athletic performance and on-field athletic performance
Integration of strength and conditioning training and skills training
Pre training primers to prepare/enhance specific moment patterns
Educate skill coaches and players on the benefits of specific preparation for individual components of training
Can pre training/movement primers actually enhance the skill?
Do we have tests that reflect on-field performance markers?
Review the relevance of NZC's current testing battery
What are the determinants of match winning actions within cricket?
Integration of skill and athletic development principles and training
Comparison of training and playing demands
Understanding physical training demands
Understanding playing demands
RPE's training sessions and game intensity
GPS monitoring of players during training and game play
Improving understanding of how specific strength and conditioning can influence a specific cricket skill.
Is a high level of aerobic fitness beneficial for cricket athletes and is it position specific or roll specific
How can physical primers aid in enhancing game play and/or skill sessions