Political issues are brought out to be a larger context in which are not understood unless it is in the liberal arts field. Wise and incredibly smart individuals in the world of humanities; Barack Obama(political science), Conan O’Brien(English and History), Michael Lewis(art history), Oprah Winfrey(speech and drama), Stephen Colbert(philosophy and theater), Ted Turner(classics), Clarence Thomas(English lit), Natalie Portman(psychology). The times have changed. English, history, humanities were the top majors four decades ago. More and more students are focusing on deliberated fields that will continue to make changes to the world, society, and nature. When an individual unites to their country, they should be able to be literate in the humanities, sciences, arts, and accounting.
Liu, Eric. “Power: Study Liberal Arts -- and Gain Power.” CNN, Cable News Network, 6 May 2014, www.cnn.com/2014/05/06/opinion/liu-liberal-arts-education/index.html.