Elements of Online Teaching
Sociability - students & instructors able to communicate to build a "community connection"
Must fit accessibility guidelines and regulations
Purposeful Multimedia
Webpage is easily navigated
Updates/edits/amendments are made regularly
Creative Design
Balanced text and graphics
take-away on each screen
less is more
Active Instructor Presence
Fluid communication to build student connections both to you and to their classmates
Logical Navigation
Logical Order of Materials - Simple to more complex
Option to review and skip topics
Time Lines and Schedules
Clarity in deadlines and due dates
Submission routine
Communication expectations
Weekly check-ins
Keep content moving forward
Updated content on course interface
simple and consistent navigation
logical flow
Engaging content:
For example, Crash course videos by Hank and John Green on youtube provide fast-paced instruction which is both engaging and humorous. Younger viewers need this type of "efficient" delivery in order to prevent being distracted by other, more interesting content on social media.
Adding Humor
Having "office hours" provides students with a time where they know they will be receiving a quick e-mail response as the instructor is at their computer during those times.
Link to Article entitled: Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom (Morrison, 2012).
Humour can help students to form connections with the material that they maybe didn't even know were there until they rediscover the material!
Visual Timelines/Agendas
"Even an attempt at humor is appreciated by students" Article- Everyone's a Comedian.
Positive effects on lives of students- lower stress and anxiety, higher self esteem, increased empathy, improves attention and retention which enhances learning.
Effective Assessment
The assessment is done frequently and enhances the concept being taught.
Students interact with each other via online discussions/debates and engage in peer review or group work.
Timely and useful feedback (especially on formative assessment)
OWL Assessment
A little goes a long way
discussion forums
personal emails
audio/video clips- can help a teacher make connections with their students
brief guides and tutorials
This tool is designed for online classes. It allows the teacher to perform both summative and formative assessments. This tool is extremely versatile allow assessment to be done by rubrics, peers, tests and has a built in feedback system.
Importance: creates an inviting classroom, brings students in, helps form relationships/bonds, adds "flavor" to the classroom
Humour: helps establish a positive relationship that helps them retain course information.
Establishing community feeling
Using Audio feedback instead of text
This tool can be used in a gamified classroom. It follows many of the principles stated int eh literature and this mindmap. It allows the teacher to create a course that the student logically progresses through, but there are multiple ways to reach the finish. Also, the program is designed to have student constantly engaged in the course material.
Google Classroom
exemplars for assignments
Google Classroom allows for on-going and immediate feedback for students' writing. Teachers can edit and leave comments on their work in live time. Students can edit and re-submit their work. Google Classroom is a valuable online assessment tool because students have easy access to all their grades/work and it keeps parents connected as well.
Set students up for success
Along with this, having exemplars can help students see what a product looks like that achieves the outcomes successfully.
Clearly stated outcomes that are measurable and achievable.
avoid extraneous use of technology
It's important to be yourself when using humour; using humour too bold for your personality won't work, so if you need to be subtle, be subtle!
Google drives- shared folders
How to integrate it: Comics, embed links to related, humorous youtube videos, carefully craft messages with a humorous tone, GIFs
Memes, of course
Clear feedback