P4 Electric Circuits

Electrical Charges and Fields

Insulating materials that become positively charged when rubbed lose electrons

Insulating materials that become negatively charged when rubbed gain electrons

Electrons are transferred when objects become charges

Like charges repel, unlike charges attract

Some insulating materials become charged when rubbed together

The force between two charged objects is a non-contact force

Current and Charge

A battery consists of two or more cells connected together

The size of an electric current is the rate of flow of charge

A circuit diagram shows how components are connected together

Electric current = Charge / Time

Every component has its own agree symbol

Potential Difference and Resistance

Ohm's law states that the current through a resistor at constant temperature is directly proportional to the potential differences across the resistor

Reversing the potential difference across a resistor reverses the current through it

Resistance = Potential Difference / Current

Potential Difference = Energy Transferred / Charge

Component Characteristics

Diode: forward resistance low; reverse resistance high

A thermistor's resistance decreases if its temperature increases

A filament lamp's resistance increases if the filament's temperature increases

An LDR's resistance decreases if the light intensity on it increases

Resistance = Potential Difference / Current

Series Circuits

Adding more resistors in series increases the total resistance because the current through the resistors is reduced and the total P.D across them is unchanged

R total = R1 + R2 ....

For cells in series, acting in the same direction, the total potential difference is the sum of their individual potential differences

For a component in series:

The total potential difference is shared between the components

Adding their resistance gives the total resistance

The current is the same in each component

Parallel Circuits

The bigger the resistance of a component, the smaller the current that will pass through that component

Current = Potential Difference / Resistance

For components in parallel:

Adding more resistors in parallel decreases the total resistance because the total current through the resistors is increased and the P.D. across them is unchanged

The potential difference across each component is the same

The total current is the sum of the currents through the separate components