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Re revision 2019 (Peace and conflict (Justice is Bringing abut what is…
Re revision 2019
Peace and conflict
Justice is Bringing abut what is right and fair according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been committed
Righteous Anger Anger against an injustice. It is right because it is acceptable to stand up for what is right according to God and can help create justice.
Why violence is Ok - as a response to an injustice. Some believe Jesus showed Righteous anger in the temple so there is an example.
Why violence is not OK - because it causes too much death and destruction to be justified. There is also a belief in the sanctity of life. Some believe Jesus was a pacificst. 'Never again war, never again war' Pope Francis
Nuclear War and WMD
WMD Weapons that kill lots of people or cause great damage., eg Chemical and biolgocal weapons and nuclear bombs.
Why catholic church disagrees with WMD - 1 - Weapons are indiscriminate 2 - negative affects outweigh positives 3 - possibility f success is small. 4 - It costs lots of money to make one rather than social spending. 5 - Haing WMD increases tension and fear
As long as there are nuclear weapons there will always be the danger they will be used' CND 'Nothing is lost by peace, everything is lost by war. Pacem in Terris
Forgiveness (pardoning someone for the wrong they have done) and Reconciliation (restoring of harmony after relationships have broken down)
What Christian believe and why it's important It is central is Jesus Teaching, forgive, not forget. You should forgive as many as 27 times.
What the bible teaches about Forgiveness Jesus forgave Peter for denying him. Also when debt of servant was forgiven by the King but the servant would not then forgive a debt to him. The servant was then imprisoned. you should only forgive someone who is also willing to forgive.
Nature of humanity
Genesis 1: Humans are created int he image of God. God is transcendent (beyond human understanding) onminpotent (all powerful) and omniscient (all loving) 'So God created human kind in his image' 'Let there be light' 'God saw everyuthing he ahd made and indeed it was very good'
Genesis 2:God breathed life into humans meaning they are more important than other animals. He gave them free will 'God said it is not good that a man should be alone' 'This at last is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh' 'Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being
This is development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Important because: otherwise the environment will die. The world is a gift which we have freely received and must share with others. Laudato Si 159
CAFOD: (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) encourages farmers with sustainable living techniques
Belief in Stweardship
Local reduce rubbish they produce in homes, recycle more, environmental campaigns locally, walk/ cycle/ use public transport
Global lobby to support global environmental policies eg Paris agreement and Rio+20
Boycott and expose multinational companies who make a profit though environmental damage
National - lobby politicians,
support environmentally friendly businesses
pressure companies to be more environmentally friendly