A. Functional Classification:
1. Sensory Neurons
a. PNS
b. Afferent neurons
c. Carry sensory impulses from sensory receptors to CNS
d. Input information to CNS
e. Location of receptors = skin & sense organs
-Somatic Receptors
1. External Receptors (Touch, pressure, temp, sight, smell, & hearing)
2. Proprioceptors (Position & movement)
-Visceral Receptors (Digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, taste, deep pressure & pain)
2. Interneurons (Association)
a. CNS
b. Link other neurons together (i.e. sensory neuron to interneuron to motor neuron)
3. Motor Neurons
a. PNS
b. Efferent neurons
c. Carry motor impulses away from CNS & to effector
d. Output information from CNS
e. Effectors = Muscles & glands
-Somatic Motor Neurons (Skeletal muscle)
-Visceral Motor Neurons (Muscles & Glands)
1. Sympathetic (Adrenergic)
2. Parasympathetic (Cholinergic)