Eye and Endocrine System Ana Chen Period 1 Ms. Yang


Endocrine System


Hormones and their Functions

Structure and Function



Diseases of the Endocrine System

Pupil: hole within the eye allowing light into the iris

Ciliary Body: produces aqueous humor and contains the muscle that adjusts the lens.

Aqueous Vitale: supplies nutrition to the eyeball

Optic nerve: connects eye to the brain for function

Cornea: focuses the light.

Lens: bends the light

Iris: controls how much light can enter through the pupil

Retina: converts light from the iris into neural signals that the brain can read

Sclera: tough outer protecting the eye ("the white" of the eye)

Vitreous Body: helps the eye maintain its shape

Heart: releases peptides that lower blood pressure and regulate the release of these peptides.


Hypothalamus: links the nervous and endocrine system and regulates body temperature.

Pancreas: regulates digestion and the intake of hormones in the digestive system.

Thyroid: regulates the release of hormones, controlling metabolism and growth and development


Diabetes: when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin within the body

Thyroiditis: inflammation causing faults within the thyroid.

Parathyroid: controls the body's calcium levels and produces PTH (parathryroid hormone)

Pineal body: not much is known but it regulates melatonin which controls sleep patterns.

Testes: produces testosterone which controls development and puberty

Ovaries: produce estrogen and progesterone, regulating the secretion of these into the body and growth and development

Anterior lobe: releases growth hormones, endorphins, secreting many different types of hormones.

Posterior Lobe: releases two main hormones: oxytocin and vasopressin. Oxytocin stimulates breast milk and contractions and vasopressin stimulates the conservation of water in the body.

Kidneys: produces renin which regulates hormones within the body.

Hypothyroidism: condition where the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone

Parathyroid disease: less production of calcium which results in a faulty system and can result in weak bone marrow etc.




pineal gland




estrogen: created in the gonads and promote the development and maintenance of female characteristics of the body

glucagon: a hormone formed in the pancreas which promotes the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver.

insulin: made within the pancreas to store glucose

progesterone: prevents changes in uterus in women taking estrogen

melatonin: assists in sleep wake cycles.

epinephrine: aka ADRENALINE secreted by the medulla of the adrenal gland. Triggers fear and anger and causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.