Eye and the Endocrine System Kyle Dizon P.2
Major Structures and Functions of eye
Major glands/organs and their functions
Major functions of the endocrine system
Diseases associated with the endocrine system
Associates and helps nervous system with the body's hormones
Does everything opposite of nervous system such as slow responses and long duration of these responses
Connects with the nervous system to coordinate and integrate activity of blood cells
Addison's diseases
hyposecretory disorder of adrenal cortex which affects the glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.
Graves' disease
constant stimulation of TH release which leads to elevated sweating, weight loss, irregular heartbeat etc.
Reproductive system
Ciliary Bodies
Aqueous humor
Vascular Layer
forms middle coat of the eyeball
Forms most of vascular layer
Extension of brain that contains photoreceptors, neurons that response to light.
Forms bulk posteriorly and fibrous layer
supplies eye with nutrients and oxygen to lens and cornea and etc.
Allows light the enter the eye
encircles the eye with thick tissue that helps control the muscles of the eye
Forms the shape of the eye
Allows the change of shape based on light to help retina focus
Lets light enter the eye through certain window
Secretion and inhibition of hormones for production in the pituitary
Sends messages to other organs and also controls some of the hormones in the body. It works with the hypothalamus
Formation of white blood cells to defend the body
Take care of the development of the calcium that goes into our blood
Helps the body to create a response to stress and control some of the hormones
Releases and creates hormones for the body to be released into the blood
There are several hormones that the reproductive system is affected by in which the development of it is involved.
Names of the hormones and their target organs along with function
Growth hormone - stimulation of growth, repair, and reproduction
Adrenocorticotropic-production of hormones to adrenal cortex
TSH - stimulation of thyroid gland
Development of too much hormones which can lead to weight loss.
Bones and muscles
Thyroid gland
Adrenal cortex
FSH - produce gametes
Prolactin - stimulate mammary glands for breast milk production
mammary glands
Follicle cells
Luteinizing - produces sex hormones
ADH - prevents loss of water in the body
Oxytocin - releases milk during breastfeeding
Sex cells
Mammary glands
TH - regulate the metabolism of the body
Calcitonin - antagonist to maintain homeostasis by balance of calcium