Eye and Endocrine System

Major Glands/Organs and Function:

Major Functions of the Endocrine System:

Eye: Structure and Function:

Disease Associated with Endocrine System:

Ciliary Body: colored part of the eye

Adipose tissue:Outer layer to once again protect the eye

Optic Nerve: carry the signal from the retina to the brain

Vitreous Humor: fluid to create protection within the eye

Lens: focuses light race to create clear vision of distant images that the eye captures

Extrintic Remnant Muscle: move the eye around to help create the image

Retina: convert light into neural signals and send the signals to the brain for visual recognition

Choroid: the middle layer between the sclera and Retina It brings oxygen and nutrients to the eye through blood vessels

Sclera: outer layer of the ye to protect. Contains some collagen and elastic fibers

Tapetum Lucidum: not located in humans, but animals. The use is night vision

Iris: Responsible for controlling diameter and size of the pupil

Cornea: Clear, protective outer layer to protect against outside particles

Hormone Produced, Target Organs and Function:

Thalamus: correlates several important processes, including consciousness, sleep and sensory interpretation

Anterior Pituitary Gland: produces hormones and releases them into the blood stream

Hypothalamus: direct control of the endocrene system through the pituitary gland

Posterior Pitituitary Gland: release oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone

Kidney: remove waste and extra water from the blood to form urine

Pancreas: releases the horme of insulin and glucagon through Beta and Alpha cells.

Graves Disease: where signaling occurs in the thalamus making it to continue on and increasing the release of different hormones. No negative feedback loop from the anterior pitituitary gland

Thyroid-stimulation Hormone(TSH):


Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH):

Growth Hormone:

Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH):

Antidiuretic Hormone ( ADH):


Pineal: produces meatonin, helps maintain cicadian rhythm and regulate reproductive hormones

Thymus: generate mature T lymphocytes

Adrenal Cortex: produce hormones that are vital to life

Testis: secrete testosterone, a hormone that is vital to normal development of male physical characteristics

Ovary: produce and release eggs into the female reproductive tract

thyroid gland

stimulates secretion of thyroid homones

mammry glands

stimulates mammar glands of the brest to produce milk

bones and muscles

Promotes growth, control of protein and carbohydrates

Adrenal Gland

stimulates adrenal cortex, outer part of adrenal galnd, to produce its hormone

Ovary and Testes

produce gametes, ova in female sperm in male




ovary and testes

produce sex hormone, estorgen and testosterone


prevents water loss in body by increasing re-uptake of water in kidney and reducing blood flow to sweat glands


Thyroid Hormone (T3 and T4):

ovary and testes

uterine contractions during child birth and the release of milk during breast

all cells in the body

regulate body's metabolic rate, increase levels of t3 and t4 which increases cellular activity and energy usuage in body



reduce concentration of calcium ions in blood

Cortisol (glucocorticoids):

Parathyroid (PTH):




int/ant-erior pitituiary gland

reduce inflamation and immune response, breakdown of proteins and lipids to produce glucose


helps regulate concentration of mineral ions in the body

increase the flow of blood to the brain and muscles to improve "fight or flight" response to stress

bone and muscle

triggers absorption of glucose from the blood into cells



secrete for bone remodling



muscle and liver

triggers muscle and liver cells to break down the polysaccharide glycogen to release glucose into the blood stream

bones and muscle

causes growth and increase in strenght of the bones and muscles



increase growth of bones during

uterus and breast

maintains appropreate conventions in the human body to support developing fetus




increase melatoin production causes hormones to fell drowsy and hight


go protect the body from pathogens throughout a person's entire life

T cells

Addison's disease: adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones

Cushing Syndrome: excessive cortisol or tumor that grows upon the excessive cortisol

Diabetes: Blood glucose or blood sugar levels are two high

Type 1: body does not make enough insulin

Type 2: does not use insulin properly

Resit Stress

Maintain pH and body fluid balance

Use food to produce Energy

Regulate Reproduction

Regulate Growth