Although I received no religious instruction, the birdsong and the beauty of the rivers and mountains of my homeland led me to believe in the existence of a Creator, and I wanted to know more about religion. One day an Opus Dei centre opened near my house, and that was my chance to deepen my knowledge. There I could find information, ask questions, read ... And I learned to pray. Within a few years, though not a Christian, I decided to become a Cooperator, for I shared the ideals of those who were teaching young people what I would have liked to learn in my youth: how to know get to know God and live a noble life, of work, understanding and respect for others, and healthy entertainment... After a few years I was baptised. The message of St Josemaría helps me sanctify my work, which takes place largely in a garden among the flowers: when I am watering or fertilising, I think about how the Lord cares for me, and when the flowers are opening and thriving, I pray for the spiritual growth of all men.