1.likes and dislikes :
enjoy, (not) mind, dislike, can't stand;
like!, love!, prefer!, hate!:
2. ideas and opinions:
admit, consider, imagine, suggest, recommend, look forward to, think of;
3. Actions that start, stop or continue :
delay, give up, finish, keep(on), practise, put off, spend(time);
begin!, start!, stop!,continue!;
4. Other verbs:
avoid, can't help, deny, involve, mention, miss, risk;
: :red_flag: ! These verbs can also be followed by an infinitive, sometimes with a difference in meaning.
:warning: look forward to, "to" is a prep., so use -ing;
For example: I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
:warning:-ing need to be: : .
negative: I hate not getting to a station or airport on time;
perfect(for an earlier action): Joe admitted having sent the wrong email. (=that he had sent)
passive: Don't ring after 10.30 - I hate being woken up by the phone!