Imposition of communist control

1947 Elections


Role of Lublin Poles

Impact of WW2

Gomulka removed the opposition by claiming that the opposing candidates were anti government and had them removed from their electoral rolls.

After WW2 Poland become a satellite state, similar to the rest of Eastern Europe. The allied forces had decided to give German and East Prussian territory in compensation for the land lost to the soviets, but also decided that Poland would be under soviet control.

The Lublin poles were created in 1944( Lublin committee) when the USSR established a government in Poland, most were communist which meant stalin felt he could trust them.

Red army presence, Took over on the idea of liberation.

Warsaw Uprising. the polish army tried to fight the Germans (because the London poles said they should take over Warsaw to regain control of Poland) but lost. But the USSR was on their way but stopped advancing because they wanted Poland to lose so that they could take over Poland

Katyn Massacre, masskilling of polish people.

Stalin But them in power because they were stationed in the USSR so stalin trusted them.

1945 when Poland was liberated, Lublin poles became the new provisional government established by Stalin.


1st election after world war 2. Promised in Yalta conference by stalin that Poland would have democratic election.

Communists Won.

PWP, Gomulka won (Lublin pole)

Gomulka still allowed Catholic church to be. Also less Censorship.

-25% members of PWP

Because there were som members from previous parties.

Challenges of communist & USSR control

Events in 1956

Poland under Gomulka

Poland under Gierek

Role of Church


Social organization meant to aid prisoners and their families after the protests in 1976

Poland was historically very influenced by the church and was a very devout nation. pope John Paul IIs became the first ever polish pope. 1979 pope John Paul II visited Poland.

Not a big fan of Stalin.

Was more liberal in his approach to communist control. Allowed for more general freedom compared to other eastern bloc states, though still remained communist.

Poznan Protest, wage cutbacks, by workers demanding better working conditions. the protest were met with violent repression. The government ordered the repression of the large group of protesters and the results were the deaths of between 60-100+ people and many wounded.

Opened up to more western influences. ie loans, and aid from western countries

tried to protect the communist control from the growing opposition (solidarity) by trying to stop the

secret speech leaked.

destalinization was already happening.