Syntactical Devices
repetition of the final words of a sentence or line at the beginning of the next.
"fear leads to anger.Anger is just something we can't hide from."
the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.
"here comes the wind. here comes the fire. here comes the days we have been waiting for."
a contrast or opposition between two things.
"colonial Africa and the western world have distinct differences in culture."
omission of conjunctions that ordinarily join words or clauses.
"i went to the story, park, library, school, church."
repetition after inverting words.
"the thought of her brought back so many memories that it was, in the first, so worth the thought."
the repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses or sentences.
"i want the best. I deserve the best. I think it is the most important that I have the best."
using conjunctions in close succession, especially where some would usually be omitted.
"I went to the store, and park, and library, and school, and church."
Mason Gurney