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Window Management (FOURMILE-457
As an end user, I want the ability to…
Window Management
As an end user, I want the ability to undone my most recent edits
Canvas Undo - Deleted window can be restored with window without source if source is not available (deleted / disabled) :warning:: may be synchronization epic
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the scene is having a picture window
And then the picture window has been deleted
And then the picture source is <Operation> from source tree in Source Configuration task
When the deleted picture window is restored (by doing undo)
Then the window will be displayed as a <Result>
||Operation|| Result ||
| Deleted | Window without source |
| Disabled | Disabled window with warning icon |
FOURMILE-495 :check:
Canvas Undo - Multiple Canvases - Undo actions are independent to the canvas
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the project file contains two canvases
And user made some actions in Canvas1 which enables the Undo button
And the user switches to Canvas2
And Canvas2 Undo button is disabled
And the user performs an action in Canvas2
And Canvas2 Undo button will be enabled
And Canvas2 has a an action that can be undone
When user switches to Canvas1
Then Canvas1 still has the same actions that can be undone
And Canvas1 Undo button is still enabled
FOURMILE-494 :check:
Canvas Undo - On certain project activities - Undo history will be discarded
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And user made some changes in Canvas1 which enabled the undo button
When the below <{color:red}Project activity{color}> is performed
Then the undo actions are affected
And the undo actions can no longer be performed
And undo button will be disabled || {color:red}Project activity{color} ||
| Preset Recall |
| Logout ( After logout when user login to the same device again)|
| Any external action that results in the scene being changed (Ex: SIS command to move/resize window)|
| Connection failure |
FOURMILE-493 :check:
Canvas undo - User can undo only the last 20 actions
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And user created a scene which involves 20 actions
When the user perform the next operation
Then the undo history will discard the very first action
And only latest 20 actions are available to the user to perform UndoNote: Undo action should effect without delay
FOURMILE-492 :check:
Canvas undo - User performs an action in canvas - Undo button will be enabled
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And Undo button is disabled on the canvas
When the user performs an action in the canvas which can be undone
Then the action will be added to undo history
And Undo button will be enabled
FOURMILE-496 :check:
Canvas undo - No action is available to restore - Undo button will be disabled
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And user made some actions in Canvas which enables the Undo button
When the user continuously taps on undo button until the first action
Then canvas will be restored to the state prior to the first action
And Undo button will be disabledEx: Canvas is blank
Action1 - drag 1st window
Action2 - drag 2nd window
Action3 - drag 3rd window
Action4 - resize 2nd window
Action5 - delete 3rd windowClick on undo button until action 1 will restore the blank canvas.
FOURMILE-497 :check:
Canvas undo - Last action should be available as the first undo action
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
When the user has started creating a scene
Then all possible actions will be stored in the Undo history
And the last action will be stored in the top of the list
And the last action will be available to the user as a first undo actionEx: Undo actions order
Action4 - resize 2nd window
Action3 - drag 3rd window
Action2 - drag 2nd window
Action1 - drag 1st window
FOURMILE-491 :check:
Canvas undo - No action performed in canvas - Undo button will be disabled
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
When no action is performed on the canvas
Then the undo button will be disabled
As an advanced user of videowall, I want an intuitive gesture to quickly snap a window to match the size of a single Display or multiple Displays if the window partially occupies more than one
FOURMILE-407 :check:
Fill display gesture - Not overlapping on screens - When user double tap on a window which is smaller than the display size then the window resizes to fill the displayGiven the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And there is a window existing on the canvas which is smaller than the display size
And that window is not overlapping on screens
When user double tap on that window
Then the window resizes to fill the display
FOURMILE-408 :check:
Fill canvas gesture - When user double tap on a window which is equal to the display size then the window resizes to fill the canvasGiven the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And there is a window existing on the canvas which is equal to the display size
When user double tap on that window
Then the window resizes to fill the canvas
FOURMILE-409 :check:
Original size gesture - No interruptions between the sequence of actions (Fill display, Fill canvas,
Revert to original dimensions) - When user double tap on a window that is of canvas size then the window resizes to the original size of the window
Given the user is in the landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And there is a window existing on the canvas which smaller than display size Ex: (100, 100, 1024, 768)
And user do double tap on it which resizes to fill the display Ex: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
And user do double tap on it which then resizes to fill the canvas Ex: (0, 0, 3840, 2160)
When user double tap on that window
Then the window resizes to it's original size Ex: (100, 100, 1024, 768)
FOURMILE-410 :check:
Original size gesture - Had interruptions between the sequence of actions (Fill display, Fill canvas,
Revert to original dimensions) - When user double tap on a window that is of canvas size then the window resizes to the last known size of the window
Given the user is in the landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And there are two windows existing on the canvas which are smaller than display size Ex:
window 1 (100, 100, 1024, 768) and window 2 (2019, 68, 977, 550)
And user do double tap on window 1 which results in fill display (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
And user do double tap on window 2 which results in fill display (1920, 0, 1920, 1080) (i.e) switch from the sequence of actions to 1 window
And user do double tap on window 1 which results in fill canvas (0, 0, 3840, 2160)
When user do double tap on window 1
Then the window resizes to the last known position and size of the window (0, 0, 1920, 1080)Note:
When there is any kind of interruption between the sequence of actions (Fill display, Fill canvas and reverting back to original size) for 1 window then it should remember the last know position and size of that window
FOURMILE-472 :check:
Fill display(s) gesture - Overlapping on screens - When user double tap on a window which is overlapping on multiple screens then the window resizes to fill all the overlapped screensGiven the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And there is a window existing on the canvas which is smaller/larger than the screen(s) size
And that window is overlapping on screens
When user double tap on that window
Then the window resizes to fill all the overlapped screen(s)
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want to create new windows with source so that I can view the content with specified source in a window for more focused visibility
FOURMILE-332 :check:
Adding window - Grid disabled - Drag and drop a source from source panel to the empty area on canvas
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the "Show Grid" is set to OFF by default
When user drag and drop a <Source> from source panel to the empty area on canvas
Then the window gets added to the canvas
And the window gets created at the same coordinates where the user drops the window
And has the aspect ratio and size corresponding to grid cell
And the window should have a bitmap based on <Source>
And the window background color should be applied based on <Source>
And the change will be sent to the connected device|| Source ||
| HDMI |
| IP Source |
| Picture |
| Clock |
| VNC |
| Text |
| RSS |
| Window without source |
FOURMILE-333 :check:
Adding window - Grid enabled - Drag and drop a source from source panel to the empty area on canvas
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And user turned ON "Show Grid" option for canvas 1
When user drag and drop a <Source> from source panel to the empty area on the canvas
Then the window gets added to the canvas
And the window snaps to the nearest grid lines where the user drops the window
And has the aspect ratio and size corresponding to grid cell
And the window should have a bitmap based on <Source>
And the window background color should be applied based on <Source>
And the change will be sent to the connected device|| Source ||
| HDMI |
| IP Source |
| Picture |
| Clock |
| VNC |
| Text |
| RSS |
| Window without source |
FOURMILE-364 :check:
Adding window - Grid disabled - Drag and drop a source from source panel on existing window in canvas
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the "Show Grid" is set to OFF by default
When user drag and drop a <Source> on existing window in canvas where by the behind window is not highlighted
Then the window gets added to the canvas
And the new window should be on top of the existing window
And the window gets created at the same coordinates where the user drops the window
And has the aspect ratio and size corresponding to grid cell
And the window should have a bitmap based on <Source>
And the window background color should be applied based on <Source>
And the change will be sent to the connected device|| Source ||
| HDMI |
| IP Source |
| Picture |
| Clock |
| VNC |
| Text |
| RSS |
| Window without source |
FOURMILE-365 :check:
Adding window - Grid enabled - Drag and drop a source from source panel on existing window in canvas
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And user turned ON "Show Grid" option for canvas 1
When user drag and drop a <Source> on existing window in canvas where by the behind window is not highlighted
Then the window gets added to the canvas
And the new window should be on top of the existing window
And the window snaps to the nearest grid lines where the user drops the window
And has the aspect ratio and size corresponding to grid cell
And the window should have a bitmap based on <Source>
And the window background color should be applied based on <Source>
And the change will be sent to the connected device|| Source ||
| HDMI |
| IP Source |
| Picture |
| Clock |
| VNC |
| Text |
| RSS |
| Window without source |
As a beginner user of videowall, I would like to have a menu item way to fill display
FOURMILE-413 :check:
Fill display - Window not spread across the display(s) - When user selected the menu option Fill display then the window should be resized to fill the display
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And there is a window existing on the canvas which smaller than display size
And the window menu appears as soon as user selects that window in the canvas
When user selects the Fill display icon
Then the window should be resized to fill the display
FOURMILE-414 :check:
Fill display - Window spread across the display(s) - When user selected the menu option Fill display then the window should be resized to fill the display(s)
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And there is a window existing on the canvas which is smaller and spread across the multiple displays
And the window menu appears as soon as user selects that window in the canvas
When user selects the Fill display icon
Then the window should fill the display(s) it's occupying\
Example: If a window is spread across 4 displays, then selecting “Fill Display(s)” will make it fill all 4 across the screen
FOURMILE-411 :check:
Fill display - Greyed out - When the selected window is out of screen
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the selected window is out of the screen(s) in the canvas (i.e in canvas workspace / inactive area)
Then the Fill display icon is greyed out
FOURMILE-412 :check:
Fill display - Greyed out - When the selected window filled the screen
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the selected window is filled the screen it is on
Then the Fill display icon is greyed out
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want the capability to resize the window using gesture for any dimensions
FOURMILE-402 :check:
Resize using handles - Aspect ratio unlocked - User can resize a window by dragging the side handles
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the window is selected on the canvas where by the aspect ratio is unlocked
And user unlocked the aspect ratio by selecting the padlock icon
When user resize the window by dragging the side handles horizontally or vertically
Then the window should be resized accordingly
FOURMILE-403 :check:
Resize using handles- Aspect ratio unlocked - Click on padlock icon when a window is selected should unlock the aspect ratio and side handles should appear
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the window is selected on the canvas where by the aspect ratio is unlocked
And the Aspect ratio is locked by default
When user click on Padlock icon
Then the Aspect ratio is unlocked
And the side handles should appear for the window so that user can resize the window horizontally or vertically
And corner handles should appear for the window so that user can resize the window diagonalNote:
Aspect ratio lock control is per window selection
FOURMILE-471 :check:
Resize using handles - Aspect ratio unlocked - User can resize a window by dragging the corner handles
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the window is selected on the canvas where by the aspect ratio is unlocked
And user unlocked the aspect ratio by selecting the padlock icon
When user resize the window by dragging the corner handles diagonal
Then the window should be resized accordingly
As a beginner user of videowall, I would like to have a menu item way to fill the canvas
FOURMILE-473 :check:
Fill canvas - When the selected window is out of screen - Fill canvas button is greyed out
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the selected window is out of the screen(s) in the canvas (i.e in canvas workspace / inactive area)
Then the Fill canvas icon is greyed out
FOURMILE-474 :check:
Fill canvas - When the selected window is already filling the entire canvas - Fill canvas button is greyed out
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the selected window is already filling the entire canvas
Then the Fill canvas icon is greyed out
FOURMILE-475 :check:
Fill canvas - When user selected the menu option Fill canvas - Window should be resized to fill the canvas
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And there is a window existing on the canvas which is not already filling the canvas
And the window menu appears as soon as user selects that window in the canvas
When user selects the Fill canvas icon
Then the window should be resized to fill the entire canvas
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want to add or change source to the window so that I can switch source to existing window and quickly view new content without reorganizing the videowall layout
FOURMILE-393 :check:
Switch source - Window should highlight to indicate it is about to replace while dragging a source on the existing window and holding for 3 seconds
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And window(s) exist on the canvas
When user drag the source onto the existing window where by holding for 3 seconds
Then the existing window behind the dragging source should be highlighted
FOURMILE-394 :check:
Switch source - Replacing the source in the existing window by dropping a new source
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And <Window> exist on the canvas
And user drag the source onto the existing window where by holding for 3 seconds
And the existing window behind the dragging source should be highlighted
When user drops the new <Source>
Then the source is replaced in the highlighted window
And the change will be sent to the connected device|| Window || Source ||
| HDMI window | HDMI source |
| HDMI window | IP source |
| HDMI window | Picture source |
| HDMI window | Clock source |
| HDMI window | VNC source |
| HDMI window | Text source |
| HDMI window | VNC source |
| HDMI window | RSS source |
| HDMI window | Window without source |
| Disabled window | HDMI source |
| Disabled window | IP source |
| Disabled window | Picture source |
| Disabled window | Clock source |
| Disabled window | VNC source |
| Disabled window | Text source |
| Disabled window | VNC source |
| Disabled window | RSS source |
| Disabled window | Window without source |
| Window without source | HDMI source |
| Window without source | IP source |
| Window without source | Picture source |
| Window without source | Clock source |
| Window without source | VNC source |
| Window without source | Text source |
| Window without source | VNC source |
| Window without source | RSS source |
| Window without source | Window without source |Note:
Replace the HDMI window is all different types of source window and replace it to a new source to make sure switching the source concept is working between all different types of sources
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want to delete windows so that I can remove content display form the specified source and keep my videowall display clean
FOURMILE-395 :check:
Deleting window gesture - Delete the window in canvas when user flicks the window outside of the canvas
Given the user is in landing page after successfully connecting to a device
And window exist on the canvas
When user flicks the window outside of the canvas
Then the window should be deleted from the canvas
And the change will be sent to the connected device
FOURMILE-396 :check:
Deleting window using menu - Select the Remove Icon from the menu appeared when a window is selected
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And window exist on the canvas
And user selected a window
When user selects the Remove Icon from the menu appeared
Then the window should be deleted from the canvas
And the change will be sent to the device
And the menu options should disappear
As a user I would like to move the window fully or partially to the inactive area so that only partial window is displayed on wall or window is hidden from the wall
FOURMILE-397 :check:
Canvas workspace -Window(s) are hidden when user drag and drop them to the inactive area (canvas workspace)
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the window(s) exist on the canvas
And the window(s) are displaying on the videowall
When user drag and drop the window(s) to the canvas workspace area
Then the window(s) are hidden from the best fit view of the canvas
And the window(s) are not displayed on the videowall anymore as they are in the active area
FOURMILE-398 :check:
Canvas workspace -Window(s) are partially on the canvas and workspace then the videowall should show portion of the window that is on the canvas active area
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the window(s) exist on the canvas
When user drag and drop the window(s) / resize them partially to be on the canvas active area and on the canvas workspace area as well
Then the videowall should display the portion of the window that is available on the canvas active area
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want the capability to resize the window using gesture while keeping the aspect ratio intact
FOURMILE-400 :check:
Resize using handles - Aspect ratio locked - When a window is selected then display the corner handles for the window to indicate resize areas
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the window exists on the canvas where by the aspect ratio is locked
And the Aspect ratio is locked by default
When a window is selected
Then the corner handles should appear for the window so that user can resize windows by dragging the handles diagonallyNote:
Aspect ratio lock control is per window selection
FOURMILE-401 :check:
Resize using handles - Aspect ratio locked - User can resize a window by dragging the corner handles
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And the window is selected on the canvas where by the aspect ratio is locked
And the Aspect ratio is locked by default
When user resize the window by dragging the corner handles diagonally
Then the window should be resized by locking the aspect ratio
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want the capability to resize the window by providing width and height dimensions
FOURMILE-404 :check:
Resize - Aspect ratio locked - User can resize the window by providing width or height dimensions
Given the user is in the landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And a window is selected on the canvas where by the aspect ratio of that window is locked
When user enter width (or) height
Then the window should be resized to appropriate width and heightNote:
When user enters the width or height then the application should calculate the other one
FOURMILE-405 :check:
Resize - Aspect ratio unlocked - User can resize the window to the given width and height dimensions
Given the user is in the landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And a window is selected on the canvas where by the aspect ratio of that window is unlocked
When user enter width/height
Then the window should be resized to the given width and height
As a user of videowall solution, I want means to view additional details about a window so that when window size is smaller this metadata can be used for identification
FOURMILE-489 :check:
Window Details - User do click away on the canvas - Window details pop up should disappear
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the window is selected on the canvas which displays the window select menu options
And the window details pop up will appear by clicking on Info button
When user do click away from the pop up
Then the pop up should disappear
As an end user, I want the ability to test the RSS url within a browser
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want the capability to reposition the window using gesture and not requiring the entry of discrete numerical values
FOURMILE-399 :check:
Reposition window - When user drags the window then it should be re-positioned to a new location and the coordinates should update as you move along
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And "Show Grid" setting is turned OFF
And the window exist on the canvas which displays the coordinates and Resolution
When user drags the window
Then the window gets re-positioned to a new location
And the coordinates should update as you move the window
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want the capability to resize the window by providing exact coordinates
FOURMILE-406 :check:
Reposition - When user enters the X or Y coordinates then the position of the window should be changed accordingly
Given the user is in the landing page by succcessfully connecting to a device
And the canvas is not in locked mode
And a window is selected on the canvas where by the X and Y controls are enabled
When user enters the coordinates in X and Y fields
Then the window coordinates / position should be updated in the canvas accordinglyNote:
When user taps the X or Y text control to enter the value then the numeric only keyboard should appear
As a user of videowall solution, I want the capability to mute and un-mute the audio of the content played in the window so that the video can muted and un-muted easily
Window Mute
FOURMILE-488 :check:
Window mute - Window is disabled and muted - Disabled source visual representation takes priority than mute
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And there is a disabled window existing on the canvas
And the window menu appears as soon as window is selected
When mute toggle option is selected
Then the disabled source visual representation should be given high priority than the mute visual representation
As a user of videowall solution, I want the ability to copy and paste a single window within the same canvas or to a different canvas
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want to create new windows without source so that I can create a blank windows in a desired layout design and save it as preset
FOURMILE-470 :check: :warning:
Window without source - Drag and drop window without source - Create a window with default sizeGiven the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And a window without source is selected from the tree
When user drag and drop it on the canvas
Then the window without source should be created on the canvas
And the window gets created at the same coordinates where the user drops the window
And has the aspect ratio and size corresponding to grid cell
And the change will be sent to the connected device
As a user I want to change the layer option for the window so that it is displayed in correct order
FOURMILE-353 :question:
As a user of videowall solution, I want to apply different borders styles to the windows so it is aesthetic and also easily differentiated
As an end-user of videowall solution, I want to know when the source of the window on the canvas is disabled
Disable source
FOURMILE-447 :check:
Disable source - Rendering the disabled source window on canvas - Should have a warning bitmap inside the window
Given the user is in landing page by successfully connecting to a device
And the project pulled is having a window where the <Source> is disabled
When the rendering the disabled window on the canvas
The visual representation of that window should be having a warning bitmap|| Source ||
| HDMI |
| IP Source |
| Picture |
| Clock |
| VNC |
| Text |
| RSS |
As a user, I shall not have the ability to undone my most recent edits