Intelligent computing system based on
pattern recognition and data mining algorithms


application and technology

the development direction of the intelligent system

the basic of data mining

the advantages and disadvantages

expert system

intelligent system integrations

learning theory

Artificial intelligence

Machine learning

Data mining technology

statistical analysis

fuzzy logic

pattern recognition

Artificial neural networks

the structure of the general algorithm of data mining




the dynamic of problem

don't need rely on gradient information

based on population probability search


genetic algorithm

particle swarm algorithm

ant colony algorithm

differential evolution algorithm

cultural algorithm

don't need to sent the initial points

not fall into local extremum

Artificial intelligence

a branch of computer science

applied fields

the point of view of its functions

pattern recognition

neural network

expert system

a comprehensive fringe science

control theory

information technology




the cognitive system

deductive reasoning

by symbolic processing

the theory of intelligent computing

mainly based on connectionism

fuzzy mathematics

iterated function system

developing directions

Artificial neural networks

genetic algorithms

evolutionary computation

artificial life

ecological computing

immune information processing

multi-agent systems



distributed artificial intelligence

main research

how to coordinate their knowledge, skills and planning

how to solve multi-objective problem with the effective way

to support collaborative work of large and complex intelligent system or computer design

Chapter 2

intelligent computing system

First paragraph

the several basic techniques

the trends

integration of intelligent technology and expert system

fuzzy logic and neural networks

Electric power system

decision trees

fuzzy systems

collective methods

cloud theory

statistical methods

self-organizing mining technology

the imitation biotechnology


self-organizing feature mapping network method

group intelligent


evolution strategy

evolution objects

unsupervised clustering method

group intelligence algorithm to cluster,

to reduce the knowledge of the data vector group randomly into a two-dimensional plane

solving complex dataset

Search engines

Video monitoring system

Knowledge processing methods

collaborative intelligent computing

main application

the diagnosis of power equipment fault

two core problem

information extraction

uncertainly of information increases


neural network based fault diagnosis

fault diagnosis based on optimization technology

expert system based fault diagnosis

if the information is incomplete

prone to errors


nonlinear characteristics

parallel processing ability


self-organizing learning

for small and medium power system failures is good

genetic algorithm

the problem get into an integer programming problem

understand the focal point of the user

customize web page

motion tracking technology

automatic video retrieval technology

moving object technology

pattern analysis technology

Chapter 3

First paragraph

Recognition behavior

specific things

abstract things

Pattern recognition system


data processing

feature extraction and selection

classification decision making

data acquisition

transformation data from sensors to computer

eliminate the noise

filtering algorithms

effective features

be careful the curse of dimensionality

Pattern recognition method

neural networks

Artificial neural network based pattern recognition

Template matching pattern recognition

Four basic models of fuzzy pattern recognition

Proximity principle

Proximity principle/Synthetic fuzzy set

Maximum membership principle

Synthetic fuzzy set/Synthetic approach degree

A number of identification methods

not developed a unified and effective pattern

neural network

allow pattern to be noisy

EX: BP neural network

Table 2


develop general data analysis techniques

not rely on application domains

current work

figure out a combination of the specific problems

propose new methods of pattern recognition

it is very difficult to achieve in practice.

the computation of template matching is very large.

mainly used in

tracking of moving objects

detection of object position in images

based on support vector machines


construct an optimal hyper-plane

to maximize the distance

hyper plane

different samples

pattern recognition

function estimation problems

Synergetic pattern recognition

a high-dimensional nonlinear problem

reduced to

a nonlinear equation with the same set of dimensions.

mainly to establish stochastic differential equations.

used to eliminate the stable modulus

to obtain the closed equation of order parameter.

the high-dimensional problem

reduced to

a low dimensional problem .

Compared with the traditional pattern recognition system

reduces the process of feature extraction and selection.

Data mining algorithms

Bayesian algorithm

Timing algorithm

the main methods

Clustering algorithm

Association algorithm

Neural Network algorithm

Regression algorithm

Basic concepts of association rules

A mining algorithm of association rules

Data set partitioning algorithm

Incremental updating algorithm

Parallel mining algorithm

the actual development often turns into formalization of domain knowledge and discovery tasks

Model discovery is a cyclic heuristic process

Decision tree

earliest model


bigger dataset

IBLE method

Neural network

MP model and the Hebb learning rule

propagation model and functional network

used in


pattern recognition

Concept tree method

Fuzzy set method

Visualization technology

a classification algorithm

requires a small amount of computation

for predictive

discover the relation between the input column and the predictable column

used for initial data detection

a regression algorithm

product sales in a prediction scheme

to predict continuous columns,

a segmentation algorithm

identifying exceptions

Scatter diagrams

describe how these items are grouped.






a variant of the decision tree algorithm


mining frequent itemsets

maximal frequent itemsets

closed frequent itemsets

constrained frequent itemsets

association rule

single layer rule

multi-level associations rule

the types of values

Boolean association rules

quantitative association rules.

the types of mining rules

association rules

related rules mining

mining pattern types

sequential pattern mining

structural pattern mining

frequent itemsets mining

mining constraints

knowledge type constraints

data constraints,

interestingness constraints

rules constraints

the mining algorithms of association rules

In depth first algorithms

breadth first algorithm

data set partitioning algorithm

depth first algorithm

sampling algorithm

Incremental updating algorithm

and so on

hierarchical algorithm


AprioriHy-brid algorithms



uses hash table technology

no longer scanning the entire database

using the initial scan of the database

FP growth algorithm

OP algorithm

does not need to generate a large set of candidate items

Tree Projection algorithm














DD算法的缺點,然而由於低效率通信負載的移動解決方案的數據,處理器之間的大交互模式容易導致處理器是 處於空閒狀態,每個事務記錄基於多個哈希樹處理導致冗餘計算.

PDM算法類似 對於CD算法,所有處理器都具有相同的哈希表和候選集。
