Chinese nasties By: Gracie and Harrison

Tang and song

Ming Dynasty

it fell into a period of disunion

the song dynast ruled for 300 years.

civil servants had to pass tests. china-tang-dynasty-and-song-dynasty

the tang dynasty was the golden age of china.

China started the period of isolationism.

They avoiding contact with other countries.

Ming worked to eliminate foreign influences. 20080217-ming1113 ch pg

Increased sailing skills during dynasty.


they were very rude and the meanist people on earth

Genghis Khan was the ruler of all the mongols

mongals didn't care who they killed download (18)

they killed everybody in there path.


They created a new underground wells.

And created a new dragon backbone pumps.

Silk was used for clothing and artwork. download (19)

they also created porcelain, woodlock, printing, gunpowder and the compass.