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RE Ce mind map (themes (quotes ("Love your neighbour as yourself"…
RE Ce mind map
religion and life
the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
Social justice
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
Positive discrimination:
Treating people more favourably because they have been discriminated against in the past or have disabilities eg, disabled parking, assistance, better seating.
Racial Descrimination
The belief that people of some races are inferior to others. This type of prejudice is often linked to skin colour. Racism is illegal under the 2010 equality act., Treating someone differently because of their skin colour
Views on women
In 2016 the first ever all-female flight crew operated a plane from Brunei to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia—a country where women are not allowed to drive.
Jenifer Lawrence complained about gender pay gap and negotiated a higher salary than her counter male part
Women have different roles they stay at home and look after the children and teach them Islam and cook halal food
Women can still have jobs but the money she earns will be hers as it is the husbands job to provide for the family ‘husbands should take care of their wives.’
They do not need to pray 5 times a day at the mosque, they can only be the imam if no males are present
Religion, peace and conflict
Arguments for war
'Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth'
Arguments against war
No point responding to violence with more violence, will lead to more suffering
Against conflict
"Do not take life, which God has made sacred"
"The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who when aggressive people address them reply, with words of peace."
key concepts
sometimes, people have to go to war to make peace e.g. Canon Andrew white is an absolute pacifist but said to make peace with ISIS they must go to war with them
it is about being fair or right or making up for a wrong that has been committed. Most wars are caused by one group wanting justice.
Once the war is over, forgiveness must be shown to reach peace. It is a key teaching of Jesus - "i tell you not seven times but seventy seven times"
where individuals or groups restore relationships after conflict or a disagreement. Archbishop desmond Tutu wanted to restore the relationship between the blacks and whites in South Africa.
reasons for war
Greed e.g. land, resources or power
Key quotes
'Fight in God's cause against those who fight you, do not overstep the limits'
Violent Protest
August Riots 2011
2011 there was violence and rioting in the UK cities . It started when people took to the streets over a police shooting, 4000 people were arrested
'The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those when aggressive people adress them reply with words of peace'
religion, Human rights and social justice
"Christ is all, Christ is in all"
"The generous man is near God, near Paradise"
Islam practices
5 pillars of Sunni Islam
It is the basic belief in Islam - 'there is one god, Muhammad is his messenger
The only requirement for joining the Muslim faith is to sincerely resite the shahadah in front of witnesses
Shi'a Muslims pray 3 times a day, Sunni pray 5 times
This is the 4th pillar of islam and is when a Muslim will fast for 30 days during sunlight hours. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar for Muslims and is the most important month
Night of Power
The Qur’an was first revealed to Muhammad during the month of Ramadan. The night when Muslim received his first revelation from God is called ‘The Night of Power’. Muslims don’t know the exact date for this but it is believed to be during the second half of Ramadan.
Muslims will observe the Night of Power by praying and reading the Qur’an. To stand in prayer on this one night is said to be better than a thousand months of worship.
Ramadan is often called 'month of the Qur'an' because of this, and Muslims attempt to recite as much of the Qur'an as they can during the month. Most mosques will recite one thirtieth of the Qur'an each night.
Id ul fitr
Not celebrated as a national holiday in Britain but islamic areas breaks are given to muslims to let them pray
Id ul Adha
In the UK, Muslims visit family and enjoy festive meals
In Britain it is illegal to sacrifice an animal so they buy one from a slaughter house which has been killed as it is halal
The family will keep 1/3 of the meat, give 1/3 of the meat to relatives and 1/3 to the poor
Ibrahim is important as he is a good role model to muslims as they should be like him and be loyal and obedient to God
Shia's perspective
In day, muslims take part in a public expression of grief and mourning
sunni's perspective
Muhammad nominated Ashura as a day of fasting from sunset to sunset and it is a voluntary fast day for sunni muslims
Many give to Charity, show kindness to others and recite prayer
Islam Beliefs
Key Words
General Islam
One of the prophets of Allah, the father of humankind and the first prophet. He built the Ka'aba
They are spiritual beings created from elements of light. They gae God's messages to the prophets and watch over humans
As the direct work of Allah, the Qur'an has supreme authority. This means its truths must be believed and its commands obeyed
Literally means 'doing good'. One of the 99 beautiful names of Allah, it refers to the generosity and love that Allah shows to humans
Day of Judgement
The day when Allah will judge each individual on their deeds, good and bad, and will decide whether they should be rewarded in heaven or punished in hell
Referred to by Muslims as paradise. it is Allah's reward after death to those who have been faithful to Allah and who have repented of their sins. Described as a garden of delights
It is a place of great suffering after death for those who have rejected the Qur'an's teachings and have led a wicked life. For some it will last forever
Human Accountability
The belief that everyone must take responsibility for their actions and will be questioned about them on the Dy of Judgement. We have accountability because we have free will
Human Freedom
Humans have control over their thoughts, feelings and actions. They have free will
Human Responsibility
Humans are responsible for most of what they do because they have free will and so will be accountability on the Day of Judgement
Jibril is the most important of the angels and spoke with many of the prophets of Allah. Jibril dictated the Qur'an to Muhammad. On Judgement day he will assist with the weighing of a person's deeds
Bringing about what is right,fair, according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been committed
The Ka'aba
The black covered cube shaped building in the centre of the grand mosque in Mecca. All Muslims face towards it when they pray
The city where Muhammad was born. The spiritual centre of Islam, it is in Saudi Arabia
One of Allah's 99 Beautiful Names. It refers to Allah's willingness to forgive the sins of those who repent and are truly sorry
One of the most important angels. He gives spiritual and material help to humans. On Judgement day he will assist with the weighing of a person's deeds
One of the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah. It refers to Allah's ability to do anything. he has no limits
The Psalms
Sacred prayers/poems written by King dawud (David) who was himself a prophet of Allah. One of the holy books in Islam
The Qur'an
The Holy Book revealed to the prophet Muhammad by the angel Jibril. Allah's final revelation to humankind. Contains key Muslim beliefs about God and how a Muslim should live their life
After death, all people will be raised from the dead to face Allah's judgement. This is physical resureection
Key quotes
"He is the One, God the eternal. He begot no one nor was he begotten. No one is comparable to Him"
"In the name of God the lord of Mercy, the giver of Mercy"
God " Made angels messengers with two,three,four pairs of wings"
"This is the scripture in which there is no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of God."
The belief that there is only one God and in the oneness and in the unity of God. This means Islam is a monotheistic religion
God cannot be divided, he is not made up of different persons like christians see God with the trintiy
God is completely unique, there is nothing else like God
There is nothing humans can compare God to as he is so unique so there are no images or pictures of God allowed in Islam
He is the One, God the eternal. He begot no one nor was he begotten. no one is comparable to Him
God "made angels messengers with two, three, four pairs of wings."
Angels are spiritual beings who are messengers of God and bring God's messages to the prophets. A belief in Angels is an important part of Islam, it is so important that it is one of the Six Articles of faith in Sunni Islam
Muslims believe there will be a Day of Judgement, only God knows when this day will be. On this day the angel Israfil will blow a trumpet to announce that the world will be destroyed and the present world will be totally transformed into a new world (akhira). The trumpet is believed to be constantly poised at his lips, ready to be blown when God orders. The trumpet will be blown from a holy rock in Jerusalem. He is perceived as having four wings, one to protect his body, another to shield him from God, while the other two extend to the east and the west.
Mika’il (Michael) is high-ranking archangel (a special angel with a higher status than others) who is also known to Christians and Jews.
Muslims believe that Mika’il is an angel of mercy. God has assigned Mika’il to reward righteous people for the good they do during their lives on earth. God has also given Mika’il responsibility for sending rain, thunder and lightning to earth.
Muslims believe that Jibril and Mika’il have brought nourishment to human beings: Jibril brought the spiritual nourishment of God’s words in the Qur’an, and Mika’il brings nourishment for the earth and human life through rain.
Christian practices
Infant Baptism
Some believe the baby is not born with any sin so baptising at infant level is pointless, Catholics disagree with this
Believers baptism
The person can read a passage from the bible and give a testimony of how come they have came to believe in Jesus and why they want to be baptised
set prayer
Prayers that have to be written down and said more than once by more than one person for example the lord's prayer
Prayer is the way Christians communicate with God they can do this in silence or out loud. People praise God or thank him or ask for help with guidance in life
Importance of Prayer
Christians believe God will answer prayer, although sometimes not in the way the person would like to see, eg Jesus asked God whether there was an alternative to his forthcoming crusifixion
The Lord's Prayer
Shows Christians how they should pray as it is a mixture of praising God and asking for help and forgiveness
It reminds Christians of the importance of asking God for forgiveness and showing forgiveness to others
It can be said out loud by all members of the congregation at church which develops a sense of community
Worship: The way Christians show their respect to God, it can take place in many forms. It allows Christians to show their gratefulness to God and it helps develop a personal relationship with him
7 sacraments
Holy communion
Uses bread and wine to celebrate, thank God, and remember the sacrifice of Jesus dying on the cross and resurrecting
Joruney made for religious reasons to a sacred place, an act of worship
A British missionary established a church there its is a place of christian pilgrimage dedicated to Mary
Some people believe that it is a 'thin' place where there is a thin veil between the spiritual world and the physical world.
Serge Francois, a man with a paralysed leg completed a 1000 mile hike after his leg was healed at Lourdes. He said he felt a warm glow in his leg in 2002. He was praying at the grotto where Bernadette had visions of Mary. After this he then walked the way of st James spanning France and Spain
Festival: A day or period of celebration for religious reasons, often centred around major events in their religion
Importance to Christians
Festivals are important to Christians because it reminds them of important events in their religion and they are public occasions that involve the religious community
'She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save people from their sins'
Light is used as a symbol during Christian celebrations to show that Jesus is the light of the world
Gifts are exchanged during Christmas period, as the wise men brought 3 gifts for Jesus
Nativity scenes are put up in churches. Shows Christians Jesus was born in a humble stable, he is therefore rich and poor alike
Roman Catholic and Church of England perform midnight mass at 12:00 on Christmas Eve to celebrate the coming of Jesus
Easter: Most important, celebrates the resurrection of Jesus
Easter Sunday is the day Jesus resurrected and the day its celebrated. Flowers are used as symbols to celebrate new life
Local Community
Church community
Church refers to the group of Christians in a community, locally and worldwide
Being a Christian is about more than going to church it is about passing on Jesus's teachings and putting them into action
Parable of the sheep and goats. You will not be able to enter heaven if you have not helped the poor/sick/hungary
Food banks
People including Christians donate food to the banks and volunteers distribute the food to people in need who have been given a food voucher
Trussel trust runs food banks based on Christian principles. It has 420 food banks in the UK and provides for nearly 1 million peopple
Street pastors
Work with police, local council and other bodies within local communities
Talk to people in pubs, shops and on the streets. Listen to problems and offer advice, guidance help and support
Help community issues such as drunkenness, anti social behaviour
Church Growth
Mission: A religious organisation or individual who goes out to the world to spread the message of the Christian faith
Evangelism: Spreading the Christian method through public preaching or speaking to individuals about the Christian faith
Church Numbers
Growing rapidly in South America, Africa and Asia, 34,000 a day
Dont believe their duty has stopped when they have gained more followers. Believe it is their duty to train Christian coverts about how to follow Jesus and how to live a Christian life
God TV
A Christian channel that contains a variety of Christian programmes to teach people about God and Christians
Worldwide Church
Restoring harmony after relationships have broken down, it is a sacrament in the Catholic Church
Humans and God were separated by sin and were able to be reconciled due to the sacrifice of Jesus as this allowed our sins to be forgiven
Human relationships also break down so Christians believe it is important to restore these relationships
When someone is mis treated because of their race, political or religious beliefs
Ranges from forcing Christians to pay extra tax, attacks on churches and being killed
Examples of persecution
He set up new churches and organise missions and conferences in city stadiums and social projects that assisted the poor and uneducated
He became a peace ambassador for the organisation interfaith harmony and spoke out against persecution of Christians
Responses to persecution
Some argue the church grows because of persecution because others see that people are prepared to die for their faith and see their conviction
Christians pray for them and support them with food and shelter, raise awareness of persecution and speak up for the prosecuted
go to the ant you sluggard, follow his ways and be wise
Christian beliefs
God in Human flesh
He was asked "Are you Christ, the Son of God?" "I am" Jesus said
While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken into heaven
After the asecnesion of Jesus Christianity grew for the next 300 years but it was still persecuted and people died for their religion
'She will give birth to a son and you are to call him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins'
Creation of the universe
'In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God'
Salvation by law: Salvation through good worlds, old testermant states that this can be achieved by having faith in God and obeying his law
Salvation by grace: Salvation is given by God through faith in Jesus, it is not earned or deserved but it is a gift for the faithful
Atonement: Restoring the relationship between people and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, it removes sin from people
The fact Jesus rose from the dead shows God accepted his sacrifice as atonement so this restored the relationship with God and humans
Eternal life, Christians believe in eternal life - there will be another life when this life ends which is known as the afterlife. This is a gift from God.
Christians believe it is your soul that will have eternal life - our physical body will die but our soul will resurrect and live on. Your soul will either go to heaven or hell
Some see hell as a place of eternal suffering, fire and torture ruled by Satan. It is pictured as a firery pit below earth.
There is a great debate about whether an all-loving God would condemn people to eternal torment and pain. A more modern view is therefore to see hell as a state of mind where you are completely cut off from God
Some Christians think that only those who have believed in Jesus will go to heaven, some believe that being baptised into the Christian faith is a guarantee for going to heaven, others believe that followers of other faiths who have led good lives will also enter heaven.
It is seen as a place of joy that is free from pain, and a chance to be with family and friends who are already in heaven.
When we will be judged
On the Day of Judgement—this belief is that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead and comes from the Apostles Creed where it says ‘He ascended to heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living an the dead’
Creation of the world
The word is believed to be Jesus, this shows the son was involved in the creation
crucifixion, resurrection, ascension
The crucifixion
Jesus was crucified because he claimed to be the son of god, the jew and the Romans saw Jesus as a troublemaker. They decided to put him on trial and then sentence him to death. Jesus didn't defend himself, he knew he had to die and knew this had to be in a very public way
Jesus was crucified on a Friday. It was a slow and painful death. As he died he forgave the Roman guards and said "father forgiven them, they know not what they do". Jesus was buried in a tomb with a large stone blocking the entrance
Shows Christians their sins can be forgiven because of the sacrifice of Jesus. It also shows Christians that suffering is a part of life - Jesus suffered so he understands the suffering humans go through
The women were then spoken too by angels who told them Jesus has risen from the dead and they should pass on the news to his disciples
For the next few days he appeared to several people and told his disciples he had risen from the dead, the word spread quickly