Growth in support for the Nazis 1929-32

Nazis ideas


Hitler claimed that the wealth of the Jews was a result of 'stealing' from the German people

Many people did not like Jews because they were rich and successful

Easy target to blame for the defeat of WW1

Aryan superiority

Hitler claimed that Aryans were German people who were superior to the Jews

The idea made people feel more good about themselves

Generally, people liked this idea


This idea was that everyone would be able to understand what the Nazis were saying

Nazis targeted different kind of people

Hitler told the middle and upper class that the Nazis were the only party that could stop the communists from getting into power

Hitler told the working class that he would provide them with basic help - "work and bread". As this was a desperate time this is what they wanted to hear

Hitler told women that he supported traditional family values and also stated that women would have a key role if the Nazis got into power

Financial support

Industrialists such as Krupp and Bosch gave money to the Nazis and this helped them print 600,000 copies of the Nazi economic programme

People voted for the Nazis because they could understand exactly what the Nazis stood for and how the Nazis would try and rescue Germany

As a result, Nazis were able to communicate their message to a large amount of people

Germany were able to produce massive propaganda programmes

German voters could hear about Nazi beliefs everywhere

This was crucial because there were 4 elections in the space of 11 months

The Nazis could then afford to fight in all elections because their financial funding and resources

Economic problems

German unemployment rose up to 6 million people by 1932

Because of these economic problems. people were unhappy and wanted change

Germans began to believe that extreme and radical solutions were needed to solve these problems as well as saving Germany

Because most families were out of work and starving, many feared it would happen to them to, so they thought it was vital change occured


Hitler was a charismatic person and he inspired millions of German people through speeches

Crowds of rallies were thrilled by his personality and his message

He spoke to thousands of people at his mass rallies

As a result, the Nazis were able to portray Hitler as a saviour. People believed that Hitler could save Germany because they believed what he had to say

Fear of communism

Nazis exploited middle class fears about communism

Propaganda focused on the idea that only the Nazis could stop the communists from taking control of Germany

SA fought street battles with RFB

Hitler pointed out that the support for the KPD was increasing every election (By 1932 there were 100 communists deputies ion the Reichstag

As a result, many middle class people became very afraid that the Communists might get into power

Since this would involve people with property losing most of their wealth, power and status, these middle class people became much more likely to support the Nazis

Political chaos

: The moderate political parties failed to provide political solutions

The SPD and the Centre Party fell out in 1930, breaking the Weimar coalition

is led to a situation where the Reichstag stopped making laws, because all the main parties disagreed about how to react to the economic situation

This led to a situation where ordinary Germans totally lost faith in moderate political parties

They saw Germany in trouble and the moderate politicians squabbling among themselves. Germans decided that the moderate Weimar parties would no longer be able to rescue Germany. These people turned to extremist parties, like the Nazis, for help.