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NTF Website Design Points: (2.10 NEWS & Press releases (The Website…
NTF Website Design Points
2.1 About The NTF
Information about NTF.
NTF Announcements
Details of the NTF like The Royal Decree, Ministers Message, NTF Strategies and NTF Policy etc.
Services offered by NTF and its affiliated organizations.
2.2 NTF Programs
A section to list the details of the various programs
related to the NTF activities.
2.3 Organization Hierarchy
The organization structure should display the hierarchical structure of the NTF. It should be either Image, PDF or PPT file.
2.4 Royal Decrees
section where the Royal Decrees can be published. The site should allow option to highlight the new Decrees and also option to manage the content (add/edit/delete) and also provision to archive etc.
2.5 NTF Registered Institutes
sections in the website to show NTF registered institutes information and GPS based location.
2.6 Mission and Vision
section for providing the Mission and Vision of NTF.
2.7 Laws and Conventions
section where the Laws and Conventions can be published. The site should allow option to highlight the new Laws and Conventions and also option to manage the content (add/edit/delete) and also provision to archive etc.
2.8 Strategies
section where the NTF strategies can be published. The site should allow option to highlight the new strategies.
2.9 Contact Us Page
Website should have a 'Contact Us' page, linked from the home page and all relevant places in the website. The complete contact details of important functionaries in the NTF should be given in the 'Contact Us' section
Address of the NTF location with telephone
numbers should also be provided. An interactive map should be provided to locate the address of the authority.
2.10 NEWS & Press releases
The Website should include a news section that
displays categorized and searchable news items.
Published news items should be related to the NTF
with all its different departments and services.
Announcements of new services, new Website
features, updated regulations or laws, events, conferences or any other type of relevant news should be available within the news section of the Website.
News items should be searchable by various
search criteria.
The homepage of the Website as well as internal
pages should automatically display relevant news headlines and should allow the users to click on them for more details.
News / Press releases should be displayed along
with the date and these are organized as per the archival policy of the website
The bidder should develop templates for the Newsletters in bothArabic and English.
The site should offer an email distribution of a newsletter and users should be able to subscribe to it.
2.11 Photo Gallery, Audio And Video
The Website should also host photos and
videos/audios related to NTF. The Website should have Photo /Video/Audio Album functionality using the proposed content management tool.
The Video/Audio should have mechanism to
control (stop, pause….) the video/audio.
2.12 Job Opportunities
The web site should contain a
job listing facility
so that job vacancies can be published online. It should be noted that what is required is just a facility to have another communication channel through the web site especially for jobs advertised by the NTF.
Users should be able to apply for job openings
(with provision to upload resume) within the authority. The job request and the resume should be send to the predefined email address.
2.13 FAQ
The proposed web site should show all common
queries and their replies related to NTF.
It should be possible to create different sets of FAQs targeted for different user groups of the website.
2.14 e-Services
As a part of the Oman eGovernment Transformation requirements every ministry website should list the details of all the services provided by the ministry. Therefore the website should have a page with details of all the services provided by NTF.
Apart from listing the services, ministries are also
required to provide the key services electronically.
All forms associated with NTF should be made
available online and to be downloaded by the users.
NTF intro
Important links
Success Stories
Mission and Vision
Laws and Conventions
Royal Decrees
NTF Programs
News Page
NTF Programs
Registered Institutes
NTF Events/Activities
Job Opportunities