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Khalid binnwal I d

3 leaders appointed incase. ..including jafar

Batttle of camel

Aisha vs Ali

Stemmed from avenginf death of Uthman

happned in basrah

Did not intend to fight


kaka- sahabi - leader fr qadisiyaha

aisha left madinah to go basrah to bring eace and negotiaitintion- not to fight Ali

went ot unite the muslims under her

she heard dogs barking and it rmeinded her of hadith of Prophet and she flet it wont be successfull

30k strong army as recahed basrah

goverrnor of basrah saw army and tried defending as didnt know what was happening

Ali was with muwiyah and left to go to deal with Aisha army

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talha and zubair died in battle

he asked aisha why they same and she told him came for revenge for death of uthmaan

wanted to unify thm all

conditions were agreed between kaka and Aisha- so reocncilaitiation

but those who wanted re venge in the forces wanted to still take action- and suruprised other group with an attack

all thought they had been attached by toher group- betrayal

so battle ensued- many lives lost

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