Plot: The suitors are confused by Odysseus's show of strength, and before they can gather themselves Odysseus fires an arrow at Antinous, killing him. The suitors become even more confused, believing that the murder was an accident, and then Odysseus reveals himself. The suitors beg for mercy and try to escape, but the door is locked, and Odysseus says that he will spare no one. He proceeds to kill Eurymachus and then Telemachus kills Amphinuous. During the battle Melanthius manages to find a few weapons for the suitors, but the second time he tries to do so he is caught by Eumaeus and Philoteus. At first Athena does not directly participate in the battle, but eventually she helps Odysseus and they make short work of the remaining suitors. Odysseus only spares the bard Phemius and the herald Medon, and punish all others who associated with the suitors.