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Requisition Procedures
is a written request for a record or information from a record
Requisition Form
On Call Form
Confidential Records Requests
Records Retention Program
consists of policies and procedures relating to what documents to keep, where the documents are kept and how long these documents are to be kept
Records Inventory
is a detailed listing that could include the types, location, dates, volume, equipment, classification system and usage data of an organization's records
name and dates of record series
records location by department
equipment in which records are stored
number of cabinets, shelves or storage containers
how often records are referenced
records media
records size
records housing
records value
records requirements
Record Retention Schedule
is a comprehensive list of records, indicating the length of time records are to be maintained
Records Retrieval
is the process of locating and removing a record or file from storage
record can be retrieved in three ways:
steps in the retrieval process:
request for stored record or record series
check index for location of stored records
search for record or records series
retrieve record
remove record from storage
charge out record to requester
send record to requester
follow up borrowed records
receive records for re-storage
store records again
the final destination of records after they have reached the end of their retention period in an active or inactive storage.
Charge-Out Procedures
is a control procedure to establish the current location of a record when it is not in the records center or central file, which can be a manual or automated system.
OUT Indicators
Disposing of OUT Indicators
Follow-up Procedures
is a system for assuring the timely and proper return of materials charged out from a file.
length of time records may be borrowed depends on:
the type of business
the number of requests received for the records
the use of a copying machine
the value of the records
Records Centre
is a building designed or adapted for the low-cost storage, maintenance and communication of inactive records pending their ultimate disposal
Types of Records Centre:
National Records Centre
Departmental Records Centre
Commercial Records Centre
Functions of Record Centre:
received and administer all records
provide a reference service
dispose of all records held in accordance
It is not just a storage facility but an information centre for the creating organizations
provide security measures
Characteristics of Records Centre:
Security and Access
Management of Records in the Records Centre:
preparing records for storage
executing and maintaining control and retrieval system procedures
completing statistical information
receiving and carrying out requests for information
implementation of retention and disposal schedule
Duties of Records Centre Staff:
liaising with creating organizations
receiving records from creating organizations
retrieving records on demand
retrieving records for transfer to the archives
communications and technology management
administrative duties
Records Centre Control Procedures:
Inactive Records Index
Charge-Out and Follow-Up File
Retrieving Records
Providing Access to Records
Consulting Records in the Records Centre Reference Room
Records Transfer
is the act of changing the physical custody of records with or without change of legal title
3 degree of records activity:
Active record
Inactive record
Archive record
Transfer Procedures:
Checked number of boxes received
Enter information into accession register
sort boxes into order
Remove transfer list is correct
Check if transfer list is correct
Check if contents are properly prepared
Consult location register
Give boxes next available numbers
Cross off numbers used
Write box numbers on transfer lists
Consult disposal schedule
Decide action category and date
Check box has same action category and date
Write action category and date on transfer lists
File transfer
Transfer Method:
Perpetual Transfer Method
Periodic Transfer Method
Records Destruction
is the final stage in records management whereby records which are no longer worthwhile or needed in terms of administration.
Types of Records Destruction:
Inactive records without any primary value for research or administration
Damaged records which can no longer be used
Needs for Records Destruction:
Overcome space problem in the office
Save costs of equipment and space
Save time and energy
Create a systematic, effective and efficient records management system
Method of Records Destruction:
Physical Record
Electronic Record
Records Destruction Procedures:
Destruction of Records with a Disposal Schedule
Destruction of Records without a Disposal Schedule
Destruction of Financial Records
Records Appraisal Process
Formation of Departmental Committee on Appraisal
Collecting Data and Information about the Records1.
Degree of Appraisal Values
Primary Value
Administrative Value
Fiscal Value
Legal Value
Secondary Value
Research Value
Historical Value
process of determining the value of records for further use and the length of time that value will continue