The Nervous System
Amarilis Ramos Period 2

Major Functions of the Nervous System

Major Divisions and Subdivisions

to help process the sensory input in our body

respond to any type of activity occurring

To collect sensory inputs from the human body

Major Parts of the Brain and Functions

Name of the Lobes and Functions

Tissue(structures and function of a neuron)

The layers of the Meninges

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Spaces and Ventricles of Brain

Classification of the Neuron ;major parts and functions of the spinal cord

Action Potential and Drugs that affect the brain

Diseases that associated with the brain

Major nerves of the body division of the PNS of body




Anatomy of the spinal cord covering Neurotransmitters

Cranial nerves

Spinal Nerves

Compare and Contrast the autonomic nervous system

Major divisions


Central Nerve -a part in which consist of the brain and the spinal cord

Peripheral Nerve-a nerve in our body that helps with the outside of the brain and spinal cord

Somatic nerve-voluntary movement within our bodies

Autonomic Nerve-involuntary control of the body regulating our heart and other parts

Sympathetic fiber-help increase energy in our body

Parasympathetic fiber -conserves are energy

Parkinson's disease-a disease that come from dopamine that release neurons

Huntington's disease-a disease in the nuclei that kills the tissues

Alzheimer 's Disease-a process that degenerative the brain and affects speech

Occipital Lobe-the part of our brain that has to do with being able to help us visualize things

Pariental Lobe-the main part of the body that has to do with our sense of taste

Frontal Lobe-helps with the ability of speech and is the main area in our body

Temporal Lobe-the area that helps sensory speech the way we sense things in our brain

Its importance is to help the process of breathing compares to another system in our body like Cardiac System.

This can contrast ti bit providing enough digestion that can lead to problems.

Dura mater




Pia Matter


Marijuana -Dopamine receptors ,Dopamine neurotransmitters

Methamphetamine-affects our Dopamine Neurotransmitters.

Ecstasy-Affects Serotonin.Neurotransmittters

Alcohol-affect the GABA Inhibitory and Dopamine

Cocaine-affects the Dopamine ,Serotonin,and norepinephrine

Heroine -a drug that affects the receptors ,Neurotransmitter ,Dopamine,and etc.

LSD-affects our Serotonin

Action Potential-a potential in our body that reacts and creates an impulse along the membrane of muscle cells

3 main neurons

Motor neurons-function is to direct any type of control in our muscles

Interneurons-function is to allow communication to occur within our brain

Sensory neurons-function is to help with stimulate in our neurons

Function of spinal cord-help balance the way we stand correctly also helps with flexibilities motion and also can help to protect the different body organs

Third Ventricle

Fourth Ventricle

Cerebral aqueduct

Corpus Callosum

Central Canal

Lateral Ventricle)

Pituitary Gland-helps secrete any hormones in the bloodstream

Spinal Cord-help protect the organs within our bodies

Cerebellum-recievee information and help with movement in the brain

Brain Stem-helps with the control of messages to go around the brain

Cerebrum-Function is to provide us with the ability to think and reform actions

Pineal Gland-help to regulate hormones and not have them out of control

Axon-function is to transmit any information received to the other neurons in the body also muscles

Myelin Sheath-function is to protect the fibers from any problems

Nucleus-function is to help organize DNA and proteins to form chromosomes

Schwann's Cell-help keep nerve fibers alive and not die out.

Dendrites-function is to send messages to the cell body

Axon Terminals-function is to release neurotransmitters on cells

Cell Body-brings and carries information to the neurons

Node of Ranvier- function is to help conduct rapid connection of nerve fibers

Thoracic nerves

Lumbar nerves

Cervical Nerves

Sacral nerves