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15 & 16 December 2018 Christmas Service - Ps Evelyn (Broken Families…
15 & 16 December 2018
Christmas Service - Ps Evelyn
Blueprints are a type of map, a tool to give you direction on how to build something special. Most successful projects do start with a plan, and the family is God's grand design.
Most successful project do start with a plan.
Psalm 127:1
Jikalau bukan Tuhan yg membangun rumah, sia-sia.
Kalau Tuhan terlibat dalam pembangunan keluarga, keluargaku bisa utuh dalam kesuksesan yg aku raih
Properly leave, so you can properly cleave
Broken Families in the book of Genesis :
The first recorded husband and wife calamitously disobey God (Genesis 3).
Their firstborn commits fratricide (Genesis 4:8).
Sarah's grief over infertility moves her to give her servant, Hagar, to Abraham as a concubine to bear a surrogate child, Genesis 16. When it happens, Sarah abuses Hagar in jealous anger. Abraham is passive in the whole affair.
Jacob's oldest son, Reuben, can't resist his incestuous desires and sleeps with one of his father's concubines, the mother of some of his brothers, Genesis 35.
Ten of Jacob's sons contemplate fratricide, but sell brother Joseph into slavery instead. Then they lie about it to their father for 22 years until Joseph exposes them, Genesis 37, 45.
Judah, as a widower, frequented prostitutes. This occured frequently enough that his daughter-in-law, Tamar, whom he had dishonored, knew that if she disguised herself as one, he'd sleep with her. He did and got her pregnant, Genesis 38.
Lot, reluctant to leave sexually perverse Sodom, his home, has to be dragged out by angels and then weeks later his daughters seduce him into drunken incest, Genesis 19.
Isaac and Rebecca play favorites with their twin boys, whose sibling rivalry becomes one of the worst in history, Genesis 25.
Esau has no discernment. He sells his birthright for soup, Genesis 25, grieves his parents by marrying Canaanite women, Genesis 26, and nurses a 20-year murderous grudge againts his conniving younger brother.
Jacob (said conniver) manipulates and deceives his brother out of his birthright
Uncle Laban deceives nephew Jacob by somehow smuggling Leah in as Jacob's bride instead of Rachel, Genesis 29. This results in Jacob marrying sisters, a horrible situation, see Leviticus 18:18. This births another nasty sibling rivalry where the sisters competition for children (including giving their servants to Jacob as concubines) produce the twelve patriarchs of Israel, Genesis 30.
Jacob's daughter, Dinah, is raped by the pagan, Shechem, who then wants marry her. Simeon and Levi respond by massacring all the men of Shechem's town, Genesis 34.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given ...
Christmas is all about Hope for family restoration.
Ben, a Son (as a builder of the family name)
Keluarga : dirusak oleh dosa dan direstorasi oleh Yesus
Our families are the building blocks of our churches and of our entire society. If our families fracture en masse, we will have a fractured nation. It's vital that we all follow God's directives on how to reconciled families.
Yesaya 61:1-4
God's Word is sufficient to equip us for all of life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3, 2 Tim 3:16-17). We do not need to go to therapist to get in touch with our feelings and to learn to cope with our rage. We need to go deeper withGod through His Word!
We discovered that the probability of someone embracing Jesus as his or her Saviour was 32 percent for those between the ages of 5 and 12, 4 percent for those in the age 13-18 age range, and 6 percent for people 19 and older.
In other words, if people do not embrace Jesus Christ as their Saviour before they reach their teenage years, the chance of their doing so at all is slim.
James Dobson - Your Legacy
Max Jukes and Jonathan Edwards family story
Mazmur 145:4
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