Florida Vacation
Landing in florida
singing at kerioke
watching a movie
Swimming in the swimming pool
trying to sleep on the couch
Going to the hotel
going to coco beach
eating at the pear
trying new fish
swimming in the ocean
collecting shells
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playing in the sand and catching crabs
being sun burnt
trying not to scratch the rashes
swiming in the pool
eating a good meal
watching a lot of t.v.
trying to sleep with the sun burn on my back
going to the new hotel
the pool there was small
trying to fish in florida
raining all day
driving around
seeing 10 deloriens
going to shell island
finding lots of shells
looking in the ocean with snorkels and finding large fish
finding a big dead crab
getting all sandy
it started to rain and i had to sit in sand for the 45 min drive back home to the hotel
Going to a another hotel
the hotel was nasty inside
the swimming pool was uncleaned
we cleaned it
we were beat from the sun burns but from then on we put like piles on our backs
having a good night sleep
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leaving the hotel and going to the air port
complaining to the hotel about our room leaving a bad reveiw
getting through the air port surcurity
getting on the plane
8 hour ride back home
first thing we did after getting our car was eat at arbys