Explain how are religions organized?
Religion is organized like a tree religion in general is the trunk, next come the branches which are the five major religions which are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism. Next is the different denominations of those religions, Christianity: Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant (which is made up of many denominations such as Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, etc.), Anglican. Islam: Sufism, Shi’a, Sunni, and Ahmadiyya. Judaism: Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Hasidic Judaism. Hinduism: Vaishnavism (with smaller subdivisions off of it: Sri Sampradaya, Ramanandis, Vallabhacharya, The Chaitanya's, The Nimbarkar, The Madhvas, Radha Vallabha), Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism. Buddhism: Theravada, mahayana, and Vajrayana. Sects are the last part, which are the smallest part of religions, they are small groups off of sects).