December 15th reading intergration

the scared balance

chapter 1

Before the corponican revolution our world was small with humans in the middle as gods special creation. After it our view was expanded we were no longer the center of the univese

desana : the inherient stability of the natural work is rooted in reciprocal relationships taht sexsit between elements of nature. The exsit in harmony with the rest of the universe.

creatures of enough self awareness and wit to recognize ourselves as a cosmic joke.

science can almost never be complete , isolating each part of nature removes the contect for which is had meaning

Consumerism takes the place of connection

longer working hours, higher stress levels, failing familes, drug addictions, children at risk are bi products of consumerism.

science alone cannot fullfil human kinds needs

chapter 2

from a biological stand point we are not completely independent. we are constantly interacting with the air

chapter 3

chapter 4

chapter 5

chapter 6

chapter 7

chapter 8 #

capter 9

air is not empty space by a physical substance

we are bound up inseparably with the past future and spirit

we need to explore the complex layer cake of gases that presses down on our heads so we can understand what happens and why.

ice cores show an alarming trend, pcb's, pesticides, and other compunds are trapped

leading to changes in hormone levesl of polar bears

sir is not a national or local resource but a global one

air quaility depends on the dyanmic interaction between life and the atomosphere, on what goes in and what is taken out

there are two spieces on land for everyone in the ocean

All the internal stuctures of terrertial speciea create another sea of connectedness

forests are intricate devices to catch, hold , use, and recycle water. its like a sponge

The average tree soaks up 700 tons of water a year.

The amazon, influances atompshereic and oceanic currents and drives world climate and weather

Best quote about humans ever : each of use is just a blob of water

like air water physically links us to the earth and all other life forms

water creates whiteness of clouds and snow, absorbs heat in the tropics and warms up the north.

water is special because of its polaritiry

the great lakes hold 5% of the worlds fresh water

oceans and the sun drive the world climate

more water is used in rich countries than poor

earth is both the planet we live on and the material we live from

2/3 of the earthe biological diversity in soil and ground water.

in one teaspoon of soil there is 600 million bacteria

carbon sequesterationg a climate change solution with risk

ground bacteris has a different dna signature.

plants are supported by a network of fungi

Connection To racial inequality" Racism is so proivelent in the news rigth now becuase its like the lst fart of a dying corpse"- JAY Z

vitamins are reminders of our relationship with other species, chemicals that we cant synthize becuase they are made by other spieces

it increased the absorviative properties of the roots

plants grow poorly in soils with little fungi

80% of forest lose is to grow food

The soil has been mined

the total amount of energy in the universe remains constant

Only humans have devised a way to carry heat

living cells are like mini stoves

life learned how to eat sunlight through photosynthesis

photsnythesis creates oxygen and captures carbon

reseachers found a way to make alga create hydrogen gas instead of oxygen

did we really hit peak oil yet?

90 tons of plant matter to create 4 liters of gas

global warming is cheaper to fix than ignore

we know next to nothing about each most speices on earth

extinction crisis current rate is 1000X faster

ecosystems are more stable with higher levels of diversity

stimulating natural processes is one way to preserve the diverse eco system

numerous studies indicate love is an essential part of a childs up bringing

being loved teaches us how to imagine another persons exsitence

love starts happening before birth, due to a series of hormone changes that happen in the mother.

romantic love leads to more stable societies

No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is piece of the contient, a part of the main .

touch bonds parent to child

humans capacity for love is counterbalanced by brutality

kids that lack parental attention have development problems

security and self confidence that are provided by a healthy family are amplified by the community in which the family lives

relgion provided social glue that bonded society

we struggle to maintain a community in a society designed around the indivdual

relgion attempted to bridge the human with nature

do the pletora of goods that our economy delivers provide joy and happiness

what kind of legacy are we leaving for our children

volunteer and donate money

do things your selve at home

ask do i need this before i buy it

side note the gramen bank model doesnt work as well here. We are too competive and indivdualistic.

leading from the emerging future

The evolution of econmic cycles follows the evolution of human consiousness

evoulation will require a multipoint stategy

transformation of econmic structures requires transformation of human contiousness from egosystem to ecosystem

observe , retreat , reflect

feed back loop

close the feed back loop from jobs to work

close the feed back loop of capital

close the loop from technology creation to soceital leads

close the feedback loop from leadership to leading as a whole

close the feed back loop from parts to whole

close the feed backloop from econmic output to well being for all

close the feed abck loop from ownership rights to best soectial uses of assets

u school

a global classroom

close the feedback loop of production ans consuption

deep dives into real life examples

mindful leadership

deep listing couching

action learning

innovation hubs ; where prototyping can occur

combines buddist temples, artistic communities, well organized think tank, multiuse space

indivdualized life lone learning

other reading

elements of mythology

cosmology: is to render a cosmology, an image of the universe.” (p. 611). The natural world is at the center of this and it includes how the world and its creatures came to be. Most modern people, Campbell writes, turn, “of course, not to archaic religious texts but to science”

Social: helps to determine what we deem to be right and what we consider to be wrong

Psychological:This is the aspect of mythology which emphasizes important points in an individual’s life.

Mystical/Metaphysical:drives the revelation of unity between one’s self and all things

What people say is, “Well, nobody ever told us about this. Why didn’t someone tell us about this?” Environmentalists would say, “Well, they’re nuts, they’re not paying any attention—it’s overwhelming.” But these two different groups get their news and their information from two entirely different sides of the spectrum. The folks at 60 Minutes have a different crowd than the folks at the Salem Radio Network—and SRN has a way bigger crowd. They don’t even know each other exists! It’s a chasm.

GREEN NUNS group of nuns that put on environmental talks