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Translanguaging (Capabilities (Build/develop conceptional understanding…
Undertake personal inquiry, reflection and action to inform their practice.
Translanguaging can be used when developing the ATL skills. For example, students can receive help from others when they lack vocabulary (which will support their social, collaboration and communication skills).
Translanguaging help to remove barriers to learning and enables every student to develop, pursue and achieve challenging personal learning goals.
Translanguaging activities support varied assessment methods and allow students to make deeper connections. Examples of such strategies can be to have discussions in the home language, create bilingual texts, peers invited to help a student to express ideas.
Translanguaging strategies provide opportunities to explore and develop personal and cultural identities. It can activate prior knowledge embedded in different languages, whilst affirming cultural identity.
Translanguaging can help unlock the potential of every student and make the teaching and learning more holistic.
By taking language background and needs of students into account and by making languages visible in the learning environment cultural identity can be fostered.
Translanguaging foster social, emotional, and physical well-being in the student.
The language policy promotes translanguaging when stating that communicating in a variety of ways in more than one language foster intercultural understanding.
By Translanguaging, the broadest possible range of students can gain the support they need to reach their full potential.