land,climate and environment of pakistan

refernce to latitudes and longitudes Screenshot_2018-12-10-23-56-15-1


neighbouring countries Screenshot_2018-12-11-00-01-31-1-1

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the natural topography

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plains plaims

desert maps

plateau Screenshot_2018-12-12-05-00-32-1

mountain ranges Screenshot_2018-12-12-04-12-47-1

rivers Screenshot_2018-12-12-05-21-46

  •                                                                                                  -source of wildlife                                  - to generate hydroelectricity    - recreation and natural scenery 

Importance of RIVERS

  used mainly in agriculture through irrigation system          
  • bring organic matter and alluvial soil to plants -regulate the temprature of an area -forests are found along the banks of the rivers
  • source of inland fishing
    • source of freshwater for domestic purposes
                                 - source of underground water   


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factors that influence the climate

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  1. Precipitation.
  1. Western Depression



monsoon -they are the seasonal winds which blow during summer and winter. the winter winds are called south-west monsoons and winter winds are called north -east monsonns

relief rainfall : - it is related to the height of land. it occurs where moist unstable air moves up a mountain edge and it is chilled , heavy condensation takes place and rainfall occurs


major climate regions





climate ; the winters are long,cold and snowy and summers remain short and mild
rainfall is mainly associated with altitude. rainfall in northern mountain is highest in the highland zone. rainfall in western mountain is less

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climate ; it is dry and hot. hot dusty winds travel from mid- may to mid - september, rainfalll takes place during winter season in soth eastern desert monsoons bring little rainfall . extreme heat , dust storms are the main features of this ariid climate

climate ;it has arid extreme climate with hot summers , cool winters and summer monsoon raimfall

  • winters are cool mild because of low angle of sun and continental effect due to high angle of sun and continental effect

climate ; the climate is dominated by sea breezes throughout the year, the maritoime influence keeps the daily temprature low. the temprature on land and sea is different and water absorb the sun's heat and water and also radiateit . in summer the land heats up, while the ocean remains cool. in winter the land losses heat quickly and become cold while ocean remain hot

effect of climate



food habits

heavy snowfall

economic activites


art and culture


