--No passing time is one intervention that will be utilized to try to reduce over stimulation during transitions or trips to the bathroom. Making sure that the student moves around during times of less hall or stairwell traffic prevents conflicts and fights, and increases motivation to adhere to expectations. This will be tracked via a visual schedule containing the times most ideal for bathroom use.
--Self monitoring is an intervention that will be used to improve productivity and increase task behavior. A daily behavior trackers (with emoji faces depicting the types of behaviors the student might be engaging in) will be used to keep track of the self monitoring. This will be used when the student displays impulse control, focus and organizations difficulties.
--A behavior contract will be used to provide more one on one support, improve student buy in, and to provide structure, routines, organization and to increase the student's motivation. A behavior contract is very useful for when a student's daily class and school expectations are unable to be met.