(1) Call Parent or Note Home: gain support from a parent or care taker, creating parent "buy in" and establishing rapport so that parent can give continuity to efforts at home
(2) Give Choices: as a way to empower student and prevent power struggles, starting with choices that were easy for the student to make, but that reinforced that student could choose how to behave and avoid explosive behavior
(3) Give Cues for student to apply self-control: when teacher could see student about to blow, she walks by and whispers "do you need some time?", which meant taking time to walk, talk or just breath
Student gradually became self-aware and slowly became able to discuss upcoming potential problems with the teacher. Teacher continually showed that she cared for the student and had his best interest at hear, which made the student trust her and take teacher's advice to avoid exploding when frustrated.
5 months, student became solid in his self-management and continued to do well in another classroom