Plot: Odysseus is given many riches from the Phaeacians and is put on a magical ship that steers itself, and is equipped with talented rowers and they head back to Ithaca. On the way there Odysseus falls into a deep sleep so the crew sets him on the shores of his homeland besides the cave of the nymphs. The ship is almost to the shore of Phaeacia when Posideon wrecks it and turns it to stone, and threatens to cover the country with mountains. Odysseus wakes up an is greeted by Athena, disguised as a young man, who has covered the land in mist so he does not know where he is. Athena tells him he is in Ithaca, and questions him. Odysseus says he is from Crete. Then Athena reveals herself and praises his caution and capacity for deceit, and expresses her love. They then put the treasure in a cave, and form a plan to kill the suitors. Athen disguises Odysseus as a beggar, and then goes to fetch Telemachus.