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Humanities Ethics Revision (Abortion (Pro life is people who believe every…
Humanities Ethics Revision
Sanctity of life- life is sacred as it is God-given
Quality of life- How good life is depends on how satisfying it is.
Pro life is people who believe every foetus has a right to life.
Pro choice is people who believe the woman has a right to make decisions for her body.
Originally abortion was illegal in the UK until 1967. In the 90s, a new law was made stating that a woman was allowed to have an abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Catholics are against abortion. The quote "Thou shall not murder" supports this. Protestants sometimes allow abortion in extreme situations such as a risk to the mother or child. As Ireland is a catholic country, abortion was illegal for a long time.
Many women usually get abortions if there is a risk to their baby or themselves, the baby will be born severely disabled, the child is at risk of neglection or the mother has been raped.
The SPUC is an organisation that is pro life. The Pro Choice organisation is an organisation that is pro choice.
Sanctity of life applies to pro life and quality of life applies to pro choice.
Pro life people are usually absolutists- people who believe there is a right or wrong to every situation. They believe abortion is wrong as abortion is murder.
Pro choice people are usually relativists- people who believe right and wrong depends on the situation. They think abortion can be okay under certain circumstances.
Alex Bourne gave a 14 year old girl an abortion when she was raped by soldiers. This eventually made abortion legal in the UK in 1967.
War-Is it okay?
There are many reasons to war. These can include retaliation (getting revenge on a country that attacked them), risk of genocide (wipe out of a certain culture), citizens in danger, greed (wanting supplies), religion (targeting of a certain religion), defence (defence against a country attacking) and nationalism (the belief your country is better than another).
People believe war is okay as long as it is just. Subsequently, the Just War Theory was created. It stated that a war is just if:
There is a just reason
Fought by the proper authority
Right intention
Last resort
Reasonable chance of success
Controlled violence
Is proportional
When there is a war, people are forced to flee their homes. These people are known as refugees.
Refugees live in horrible conditions. Travelling is extremely risky, shelter in different countries can be dangerous and crammed, education and jobs are difficult to find, lack of privacy, accommodations are not secure, jobs are laborious and resources are hard to find. Children also suffer as there is no safe place to play and they often do tiring chores.
Many Syrians have died in the war. As of March 2011, 100,000 had died and children suffer violence and violation of rights.
Syrians often flee to neighbouring countries such as Lebanon and Jordan.
People have different beliefs in war. Some support it whilst others disagree with it. People who disagree with it are called pacifists.
An example of a pacifist is Gandhi. He taught the people of India to solve conflicts peacefully. Whenever there was conflict, he would fast until it was resolved as people loved Gandhi and didn't want him to starve. One of his famous quotes are "An eye for the eye and the rest of the world goes blind" meaning war is endless.
In contrast to Gandhi, Bonhoeffer protested against Nazis in a violent way. Despite him being Christian, he believed that an evil action was better than doing nothing at all. He was in a group of protesters who originally wanted to be peaceful, but eventually decided to assassinate Hitler.
Christians are mostly pacifists. This is because the Bible taught them never to murder another person and being peaceful is always the best solution. This is evident in the quote "Blessed are the Peacemakers".
Animal cruelty
Animals are often treated unjustly. Examples of unjust behaviour towards animals are using their fur for fashion, testing on them, using them as entertainment, forcing them to dress up etc.
People associate animals with humans as animals are proved to feel sentience (pain), emotions and reproduce just like humans.
Despite animals being treated unjustly, they can also be used for good use. For example, guide dogs and therapy help people and the animals aren't harmed during the process.
There are companies that are against animal cruelty such as PETA and ALF.
PETA are a vast company that promote their business through campaigns, adverts, petitions, websites etc. They are more peaceful and don't do things that would harm animals or humans as such.
ALF are separated into small groups of activists. These activists take harsh actions against humans and often break into places to rescue animals. They are infamous for doing cruel acts to humans such as loud protesting and, in one case, digging up a step mother's grave of someone who bred guinea pigs.
Some people believe eating meat is abuse to animals. Others believe it is use as we need to survive on meat. Vegetarians and vegans often become like this to stop abuse to animals.
Stewardship is the belief that people must look after animals as God put them on this Earth. People who believe this are Christians.
Species ism is the belief that some animals are more superior than others. For example, some people believe that humans are more superior than others.