Stakeholder stances on the issue of Exide plant in Vernon

Agree that Exide runoff has contaminated air, water, and soil pollution

Stakeholders are implementing cleanup programs, soil testing, healthcare, and providing information via meetings, websites, and other accessable ways to the communities affected by Exide

Stakeholders agree that remediation is necessary

East Yards for Community for Environmental Justice and other grassroot activist groups feel that the Department of Toxic Substance Control has ignored the pollution and communities for years. The DTSC has made no comment about this

Some stakeholders feel that the Department of Toxic Substance Control should also be held accountable, although other stakeholders have not commented on the role the DTSC has played in Exide's pollution

East Yards for Community for Environmental Justice and other grassroot activist groups feel the government (another stakeholder) have not done anything to help their communities for years.

Support Gov. Jerry Brown's allocation of 176.7 million towards clean up measures

For years, the government (a stakeholder) did not feel that this was a pressing issue and withheld important information from the public regarding Exide's illegal activities. Local activist groups (a stakeholder) took action to pressure the government to do something about it, which lead to the closing of Exide



L.A.County Health Agency prioritizes community health with their outreach programs

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Batter Council International used many of its resources to ensure that the battery recycling plant in Vernon remained operating. Attempted to shift focus by emphasizing the importance of lead battery power in America

Gov. Jerry Brown

South Coast Air Quality Management District has filed lawsuits against Exide on the state and federal level for violating the Clean Air Act(CAA) and State implementation plans (SIP

Department of Toxic Substances Control does not claim any responsibility for damage done but does hold themselves accountable for the cleanup

Supervisor Solis

The Environmental Protection Agency

Mothers of East Los Angeles

Union de Vecinos

East Yards Communities for Environmental Justice

Exide responsible for the monetary compensation required to carry out suitable methods of clean up

They all claim to be committed to a healthy environment and community

Exide has harmed communities which are made up of low-income, immigrant, and Latinx neighborhood

Accept responsibiliy for cleanup

All portray their willingness to cooperate