Plot: Odysseus and his crew sail to the island Aeolia, home to Aeolus, ruler of the winds. Aeolus gifts Odysseus with a western wind to take him home as well as a bag filled with all the other winds. Odysseus's crew is convinced that the bag is filled with treasure that Odysseus is unwilling to share, and when they are within eyesight of Ithaca, they open the bag letting out all the winds. The storm created by the winds sends Odysseus and his men all the way back to Aeolia, and this time Aeolus refuses to help Odysseus. From their Odysseus and his men row to the land of the Laestrygonians, a race of powerful giants. They eat one of Odysseus's scouts and sink all the ships but Odysseus's. The Ithacans then travel to Aeaea, home to the witch Circe. Circe drugs half of Odysseus's men, turning them into pigs. Odysseus goes to rescue them, but is stopped by Hermes who instructs Odysseus on how to best Circe and free his men. Odysseus does as Hermes says, which includes sleeping with Circe, and his men are turned back to themselves. They stay there for a year, but eventually Odysseus's decides to leave. Circe instructs him to sail to Hades and speak with Tiresias who will tell him how to get home. The next morning Odysseus and his men prepare for departure, and find that one of his crew, Elepnor, died falling off the roof.