Visual production, interactivity, Sounds
Music: main theme, different area themes, Boss theme, Game over win / loose
Actions of characters : punch, kick, run, jump
Background sounds i.e waves, motor transport, burning buildings, screams
Weapon sounds: slashes of knife, explosion, gun fire.
Button sounds/ interactions
Voices of characters: scream, speech, tired/ damaged noises
Object noises: opening of doors, keyboard typing, different terrain sound, coin pick-up
Clicker games i.e cookie clicker, flappy bird, angry birds
Drag and Drop games
Hazard perception test
Message menu in games
Quick time events
Loading sounds, loading music
Wii Fit / exercise consoles
Phone can be used as controller
Enemy sounds: screams , slashes of weapons, damaged noises, punch, kick, run, jump
NPC sounds: scream, speech
Pixel art: Mario
Controllers, Mouse, Joystick
8 - bit
Early 3D: Tomb raider
Modern 3D: Call of duty
Pixel / 3D view: Harvest moon
Wii controller, Wii gamepad, xbox controller, ps controller
Smell VR
Digital graphics
Survival horror
Endless runner