Quietly blend in while doing nothing, doodling, or appearing to work.
Spend a lot of time looking through things, desk, locker, etc.
Say they are getting to the task or are working on something and produce few results.
Quietly mumble, hum, or make slight sounds to self.
Day dream, look out window, around the room, look past the teacher, at other students, stare, etc.
Play with things in desk, backpack, in folders, etc.
Draw or do other tactile activities while lesson is being presented
Tier 1 Interventions
I like to give more focus to Tracy, take more interaction with her, give her Positive praise.
Positive Praise
Positive praise, according to research, should always be done with every student at a ratio of at least 4 positive praises to 1 criticism
I would like to praise Tracy frequently. When Tracy displays positive or productive behaviors, actions, or appear to need some encouragement, I will verbally praise her/ give them a high-five, pat on the back, clap.
Tier 2 & 3 Interventions
I would like to give more monitor and parent involvement When Tier 1 Intervention have poor effects on Tracy.
Daily Behavior Form
If the interventions before have failed, I will improve and establish daily home-school communication and collaboration to improves student behavior.
Provides students with more one on one help, support, and intervention
Holds students accountable on a daily basis
I will use a daily behavior form to examine Tracy’s daily performance.
Send a copy of the form home for the parent to sign and review with the student, either daily or weekly.
Review the Tracy's daily behavior and marks with him in a productive manner, discussing how he felt, he did, why, and what to change or do differently the next day, etc.
I will rate Daniel's performance each day, and give the weekly report to Daniel and send to his parents.
Reward System
Provides students with positive feedback.
Students respond to positive reinforcement best.
Helps reinforce positive behaviors and expectations
Earning free time for meeting expectations. Positive notes sent home for demonstrating good behavior and meeting expectations.
Small items as rewards for following rules and procedures, including stickers, erasers, trinkets, pencils, crayons, snacks, drinks, books, candy, etc