rationalistic (religious belief) belief that beauty was a measure of order, proportion, and harmony.
Greeks believed that the function of art was as much to please and educate an audience and the Greek citizenry as to honor some deity (god)
Greek artists of the time felt free to create new truths in the fictional literature and idealistic sculptures they created.
greek artist produced
ome of the world�s most beautiful sculptures, exquisite pottery and mosaics, and grand temples and public buildings.
New Greek conceptions of linearity found expression in the linear pictorial style of vase paintings and in the single-line, monodic melodies of Greek music
greek sculptures portrayed idealistic human form
Thespis (from whom the term thespian has been derived) as the first dramatist, winning the first annual, state-sponsored City Dionysia festival
Aristophanes (450-385), who wrote primarily satiric comedies, introduced sharp, biting commentaries on the central issues and politics of the day. Each based their dramas on well-known mythological and historical subjects, infusing profound philosophical, psychological, and civic insight into their stories