5- Political instability, conflict and change
Developmental approaches to political change and to democratization
Contentious politics and collective action
Civil wars
the emergence and expansion of the Nation-State : Three approaches
Economic theories
Cultural theories
Political / conflict theories
changing beliefs and values
conflict --> one actor dominates and control the others --> appearance of the state
Use of war : to centralize, to extract revenues, to mobilise the pop
Marx : state as a means for bourgeoisie to dominate the proletariat
nationalism --> dvt of state
What is development
Rise of living standards (inequalities, poverty...)
Economic growth, GDP per capita
Why dvt happens
Norms : laws and principles
Cultural values : trust, civil society, social capital, religion, value system
Institutions : role of the state and the market
Position in the international system: dependency theories
Developmental theories of democratization
dvt --> appearance of a middle class, rising literacy, urbanisation, stability --> consolidation of democracy
Contention : various forms of conflict, peaceful or violent
Collective action: joint efforts to bring about a preferred outcome --> uses contentious actions : social mot action, revolutions, insurgencies, civil wars, terrorism...
Social movement
Expression of civil society, autonomous from the state
interactions between a plurality of
individuals --> political or cultural conflict --> collective identity
Use of violence
struggle police / among competing factors / break-away of peaceful gathering
sudden and dramatic social/political change
popular mobilization
Social revolutions: transform social and political structures
Limited political revolutions: transform political institutions only
Insurgencies: enduring, organized, armed actors contesting the power of the state
No expression possible
Weak state
Oppression, failure to meet expectations
Threat w/ political ends
European convention of 2000
what : kill or seriously injure
on who : civil or people not fighting
for what : intimidate , force, prevent
who : a population, a government, an organization
text : Barrington & Moore
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