No matter who you are or who you try to be, you will have some form of bias for something in your life. Your biases will affect how much of the actual truth you will share, and choose to receive. Misinformation starts from the snowball effect of peoples biases towards certain subject matters. Most media sources will have a bias against something, whether its a nation, political figure, a way of life, or race. Media will have bias, and they will pick and chose facts that support their bias. It is important to detect these biases, and the best way to so is by paying attention to how they portray one side of a issue vs the other. If they are vilifying one side but praising the other than they are being biased. If the media source only mentions one side of a story than they are being biased. However, If there is a news article or some other form of information that treats each side fairly and doesn't lean to one side or the other than they are most likely staying neutral.