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Democracy. (Part 1. Definitions. 1000 words (Democracy (Michael Sandel…
Part 1. Definitions. 1000 words
Legal dimension
Membership of a state or community
Legal and moral rights and duties
Individual and group identities. Posession of shared values and virtues
Michael Sandel
Republican communitarian model
Blunkett "It is clear that weak civic engagement and an absence of social capital deprives democracy of its vitality, health and legitimacy"
Robert Putnam
CRICK "The activity of citizens freely debating policy"
Participative Democracy ?
Citizenship Education
Values and attitudes to engage in citizen activities
Ability to engage in decision making, critical thinking and debate
Knowledge and understanding of political ideas and institutions
Character Education
Introduction. Why the subject is interesting. Why I chose it. 500 words
Why Education ?
Democracy and Education. Dewey The goal of Education: empowerment of the individual in his capacity to choose.
Moral optimism. Possibility of emotional and moral change
Crisis in Democracy ? Crisis discourse grounded the will to reinforce both CE and Cit E.
KK (Aristotelian CE) possible explanations for the recent political turn towards CE:
perceived increase in youth depression and social disaffection
poor election participation
Growth of extremisms
The need to argue for common values
Questions: How do Character Education and Citizenship Education complement each other? What does Character Education add to Citizenship Education that offers responses to Western democratic crisis?
Part 2. How ch. education and cit edu complement each other - 1000 words
Character Education
Civic virtues
Moral education
Hargreaves: "active citizens are as political as they are moral. Moral sensibility derives from political understanding; political apathy spawns moral apathy"
Aristotle "Politics supervenes on personal morality. The morally good is superior to the politically right"
Lickona "Character Education helps young people become more moral human and it builds a moral society"
KK: "It is only after the souls of the young have been properly habituated - through emotional coaching - and their personal conceptions of the human good have been firmly appropriate and psychology possible to address questions of political rightness"
KK (Beyond Democratic justice...) "citizenship education politicises values education beyond good reason, by assuming that political literacy and specific (democratic) social skills, rather than the transcultural ‘moral basics’, are the primary values to be transmitted"
Personal responsability in societal change.
Positive psychology. "personal change is easier to administer - through personal effort or small scale family based or school-based initiatives" / the chicken and egg strategy
Drive to aspire / Julia Annas. "We need to go beyond mimicking the people we learn from and to find out why they act as they do".
Can the idea of a "well-rounded life" be extended to the society (a well-rounded society = a democratic system?)
Links between Eudaimonia and Democracy ?
Does CE promote democratic citizenship?
Phronesis vs stick/carrot leading to disengagemet and burn-out. Schwartz and Sharpe
Phronesis vs stick/carrot leading to disengagemet and burn-out. Schwartz and Sharpe
character trait - a deep and lasting feature of a person
Problem of the instrumentalist perception of Ch Edu
The need to argue for the existence of intercultural virtues. Role of Non expansive CE - moral cosmopolitarian.
Part 3. My opinion. Bring some personal experience. 1000 words
Conclusion - 500 words