Telemachus goes to find Penelope and see her after his journey. Eurycleia, the maid greets him warmly and Penelope cries when she sees her son. Piraeus brings Theoclymus to the palace, who ensures Penelope that he saw a promising sign from the gods that Odysseus would return soon. Eumaeus and Odysseus go to the town center and meet Melanthius, who is horribly insulting to Odysseus and kicks him and goes into Odysseus's palace to eat with the other suitors. Odysseus sees Argos, the puppy he left when he started his journey. The dog is very old and dies there. Odysseus goes into his house for the first time in twenty years as a beggar and asks for the suitors to share their portions. Everyone of them does but Antinous, who insults him and throws at him a footstool that hits Odysseus on the left shoulder. Odysseus curses him. Telemachus sneezes. Penelope invites the beggar to talk with her, but Odysseus postpones the conversation because he knows he cannot tell her the full truth yet.