Obsession with partner & the relationship
Think for while - Do you Love your partner or do you have Obsession over your partner or over the relationship ?
Now this is Tough one. Trust me.
You may not even realize that you are obsessed over your partner. If you find yourself wanting to constantly be with your partner,
or always wanting to know where your partner is,
and trying to control his or her behaviour, you may need think on this. Let's learn more.
There is a thin line between being concerned and being obsessive. - being loving & being controlling
partner with a love addiction can become extremely dependent on their partner for happiness and, in some cases, even to function normally. This goes beyond
being needy — it’s more about genuinely feeling like you need this person to survive. Behavior like this is common in people with depression who may rely on their partner to improve their mood or provide happiness for them. It can also be a sign of codependency.
“In the most extreme cases of love addiction, an individual can go to great lengths to maintain an intense emotional connection with another person. A small percentage of people could develop stalking behaviors, they may be prone to extreme periods of depression, anxiety, irritability, or they may be at risk of harming themselves or someone else,” O’Neill explains. “Again, these are the most extreme cases and not everyone who is addictive tendencies will develop these types of behaviors,
Such a behaviour is damaging to both the partners. And it often ruins relationships. If you are obsessed with your partner you need to work on your obsession.
“It’s important to remember that you are a whole person, and so is your partner. This also means that you have so much more around you than JUST your partner,” Romano said. “It’s helpful to take time to focus on what is going well, friends that you can connect with, taking up a new hobby, reading that book that’s been sitting around. Recognize the thoughts when they start and notice them. Notice how you feel, what you experience in your body and understand that these thoughts will pass as well as feelings. It’s all temporary and pushing them down may force you to ruminate more. You are more than your thoughts!”
If this this your life, this is your partner - who supports your life
Your partner is just one area of your life. You need to focus on all areas of your life. If you lack in some areas that doesn't mean you can totally encroach your partner's life. Your partner is just a support
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