Gender Equity and Biological Development and Health
Is a social construct
which defines the ways men and women should behave.
Gender Equality
Gender Equity
Gender Parity
the number of boys and girls graduating school must be the same.
Everyone deserves the same things or possibilities.
everything needs to be fair to anyone
people need to have the same access to different opportunities.
men and women should have the same rights, opportunities, and the same treat.
There has to be full fairness and the same advantages that a boy or a girl can have.
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Educational equity
Educational equality
All students have equal access to quality education
The practical resources for a good education have to be the same for anyone.
The low income students need more resource to be equal to the majority.
So if these students have good resources they can access effectively to quality education.
The effect in education is that the context of the school is more inclusive and welcome everyone no matter their gender, so the learning process could be more efective and better for having diversity.
So these two concepts improve the education system a lot by giving more opportunities to those who can't afford it. And the learning and teaching processes increase the capabilities of the students to understand better the subjects.
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Equality in the learning process
Gender equity in education
Gender equality in education
Both men and women should have the same rights, resources, and opportunities to enter quality education.
The students, boy or girls, should be treat with the same attention and respect that they need to have a great experience through education.
Every factor: economic, social, or cultural, should be the same no matter the student is a boy or a girl.
To end these matters we need to:
Abolish traditional gender roles.
Boy and girls should have the same contents in the school program.
Girls should be more empowered to be leaders.
The authorities need to create programs to talk about gender equity.
The text books need to be inclusive and non discriminating.
We need to create more spaces in the school to talk about gender, and to end with discrimination.
So if we improve these factors we can see better results in the students' learning because we are being inclusive, respective, and open to hear the needs of them.
Also, the learning is more joyful and creative for the reason we have many different students with diverse perspectives and ways to get the necessary knowledge.
Some Causes of gender discrimination in education are
Socio-economic factors
Socio-cultural factors
Political factors
If we don't include women in politics we won't have equality in our policies, so we need to be more inclusive.
Poverty is a great factor which contributes to inequity so reduce the access of better opportunities.
The patriarchy is very influential and lets women behind, so we need to abolish it.
Violence is an obstacle to access to education so we have to create a more peace full world.
Some religions exclude women and think that men are better so it dificultes the good changes for girls.
Gender equity construction
Some tips to apply in education in order to improve it, are:
Construct relationships based in respect, developing of good attitudes, and diversity appreciation.
The teachers need to be more open minded and treat the students equitably.
The parents need to teach their children to respect the differences between them and the others.
The schools have to increase their facilities and be more inclusive.
The language needs to be restructured to get positive changes in the matter of genders
Talk about the end of violence against women anywhere to end it.
Include in the curriculum different cases and perspectives of gender.
Put an end to gender stereotypes.
Biological Development
is a process that starts after conception and remains until great ages.
is an essential part of the developmental process where we increase our size, length, and weight.
it refers to qualities or character which change in the human being while growing.
Pre-natal stages of development
Is a period where a lot of the psychological factors and the brain develop.
Brain development before birth
It starts in the third gestational week and ends in the adolescence.
factors that contribute to this development
Molecular events or genes expression
Impact of the environment
Growth and development stages in infants and children
The first year of the baby is essential to develop the language, social, motor, sensory, and thinking skills.
So if the children are developing normally they will be able to crawl, sit without support, babble and copy simple sounds and actions.
Through this process the child progresses from dependency on their parents to solid autonomy.
The Biology of Child development and learning
Brain development trough interactions and environment exposures.
If we protect our children from stress they would be able to mature their immune and endocrine systems.
The child progress for the influence of the environmental components.
We need to raise our children in safe and good environments so they can grow with less complications and love.
The Biology of adolescent development
The adolescence is a process full of changes for childhood to adulthood.
This stage is called puberty where sexual maturation takes place.
We can see a lot of changes in the length of the teenagers, could appear some hair in the face, legs, or in the pubic region.
In boys could start at 12 to 17, and in girls could be at 9 to 13 years old
On the other hand, the brain is still developing the part in charge of the judgement, impulse, or control.
The changes are physical, intellectual, of the personality and social development.
That's the reason for many teenagers could suffer from bad phases or bad behavior.
How health affects child and adolescent's school performance
Importance of
Some Chronic health problems atre:
Poor sleep= poor grades.
As we all know everyone needs to sleep well in order to function the next day.
Especially in the education are, children need to sleep at least 10 hours per day to stay healthy and tu perform decently in the school.
Exercise: we need to be active and do some physical activity every day at least 60 minutes.
Nutrition: It's necessary that we have ate least 3 meals per day and don't skip none of them.
If we conserve our bodies with exercise and good diet we can prevent obesity, asthma, and heart deseases.
Also, if we are healthy we can be more productive in our daily activities and even more in the school.
Diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, hemophilia, congenital heart conditions, and HIV
All of these can affect badly children's school attendance and achievement.