The Odyssey
Telemachus asks Athena to help him to get information about his father.
Telemachus' Journey
Athena got a ship and crew mates ready for the journey.
Telemachus reaches Pylos, Nestor believes he should stay the night and then he will be sent off with gifts in the morning.
The suitors find out about Telemachus' trip, and plan to murder him on his journey back home.
Zeus sends Athena to protect Telemachus.
Odysseus finally reaches Ithaca, so Athena goes to Sparta to fetch Telemachus
Telemachus arrives at Eumaeus' home, where Odysseus is disguised as a stranger
After Eumaeus left, Odysseus exposes himself to Telemachus.
Odysseus and Telemachus set a plan to kill the suitors
Telemachus kills Amphinomus, and goes to fetch more weapons from the storage room, leaving the door open after he leaves.
Telemachus hangs the women who slept with the suitors
Odysseus sets off to Troy helping the Greeks in the Trojan War
Odysseus' Journey
Odysseus gets trapped by Calypso on the island of Nymph
Zeus sends Hermes out to Calypso to rescue Odysseus
Odysseus sets out on a raft, almost making it to Phaeacia
Poseidon sends out a storm to wreck Odysseus' ship
Ino, the White Goddess helps Odysseus to get to shore
Athena helps Odysseus find a place to rest, he goes to sleep in hidden bushes
Nausicaa helps Odysseus
Odysseus walks to town, gets greeted by the king, Alcinous, giving him food, water, and a place to stay for the night
Odysseus men were jealous of his gifts he was given, they opened up the bag of wind sending them to Aeolus' palace, they were sent away.
Circe turned Odysseus men into pigs. Odysseus convinced Circe to turn them back ad gave Odysseus advice on how to get back home
Odysseus and his men arrive to the Sun Gods land, his men eat the forbidden cattle, when they leave Zeus sends a big storm wrecking their ship, with only Odysseus making it out alive.
After drifting for ten days, Odysseus makes it to the land of Calypso
The Phaecians help Odysseus out, giving him a self steering ship, he falls asleep, wakes up in Ithaca and doesn't recognize where he is.
Athena and Odysseus hides the treasure in a cave and plan out how to kill the suitors.
Odysseus goes to Eumaeus' home and Telemachus arrives there.
Odysseus exposes himself to Telemachus after Eumaeus leaves, and they set a plan on how to kill the suitors
Odysseus enters his home as a beggar, he encounters another beggar, and the two of them fight.
Odysseus reveals himself to Eumaeus and Philoetius
Odysseus shoots Antinous through the neck, and reveals his himself to the suitors
Eurycleia tells Penelope that the beggar is really Odysseus
Penelope puts Odysseus to a test to see if it's really him
Odysseus finally reveals his identity to everyone
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