English RUAE

Own Words

Show you understand the meaning by explaining the writer's point in a different way.

All answers should be in formal English. Do not include:
-slang/ colloquialisms
-lists/ examples

Do not try to 'translate' word for word.
Your answer should cover ALL the lines the question specifies.

-underline relevant ideas in the passage
-Identify one point per mark
-Express the ideas in your own words as far as possible

Of course, cacti are easy-care, striking to look at, and "green" because they require little water: sustainable interior decoration in a pot. They are night-workers, producing oxygen while we sleep. They have been prized in the UK since they arrived early in the 16th century, after the discovery of the Americas.

In your own words, summarise two points the writer makes about cacti

-Cacti are simple to look after
-They are attracive
-They are valued highly in Britain


Give the meaning of the word

Explain how the surrounding text helps you understand the text

-State the meaning of the word
-Identify a clue or clues from the passage
-Briefly explain how the clues helped you arrive at the meaning

I'm nocturnal. I love the moonlight, the shadows, the dark places.

Show how the context of "nocturnal" helps you to understand the meaning of the word.

-"Nocturnal" means to be active by night
-"Moonlight" and "dark" both suggest the speaker prefers night-time


-identify contrasting ideas/ attitudes
-summarise both sides of the contrast in your own words
-aim for one point per marks

Look at most toy displays and you can instantly spot which toys are aimed at which sex. Traditional boys' toys are often things to build, explore, or experiment with, while traditional girls' toys are things to look after or to clean or cook with

In you own words, explain the contrast between boys' and girls' toys

-Boys' toys are those that involve creating something or solving a problem
Traditional girls' toys involve caring or domestic chores-


-Quote from the LINKING SENTENCE that links back to the paragraph before
-Explanation of the contents of this paragraph
-Quote from the LINKING SENTENCE that links onto the following paragraph
-Explanation of the contents of this paragraph

-Quote a word or phrase from the sentence which links back to the previous idea
-Explain how the word/phrase links back
-Quote a word or phrase from the sentence which introduces the next idea
-Explain how the word/phrase introduces this idea

Many argue that since at age sixteen a person is considered old enough to pay taxes, join the army to fight for their country, or leave full-time education, then surely they are old enough to vote?

While the line has to be drawn somewhere, why is 18 currently the magic number? Well, its the age at which the UN define adulthood, and in most countries the voting age is 18. Other aspects of adulthood, such as being legally dependant from your parents, and borrowing money, also happen at 18.

Show how the italicised sentence functionas as a link in the writer's argument

-"the line" links back to the debate about the age at which people shoud be able to vote, discussed in the previous paragraph.
-"why is 18 the magic number" introduces the reasons why the current voting age is 18, given in the current paragraph.